// RoutineDesinView.cpp : implementation of the CRoutineDesinView class // #include "stdafx.h" #include "tcl80.h" #include "RoutineDesinDoc.h" #include "RoutineDesinView.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CRoutineDesinView ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CRoutineDesinView construction/destruction CRoutineDesinView::CRoutineDesinView() { MapList = new CVarList; CStringList & PSStringList = GetDocument()->PSStringList; POSITION pos = PSStringList.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CString Key; Key = PSStringList.GetAt(pos); m_PSList.AddString(Key); PSStringList.GetNext(pos); } /* CPSAndSpecList & pPSAndSpecList = GetDocument()->PSAndSpecList; CPSAndSpec * pPSAndSpec; POSITION pos = pPSAndSpecList.GetStartPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CString Key; pPSAndSpecList.GetNextAssoc(pos, Key, pPSAndSpec); m_PSList.AddString(Key); } */ Tree = new CObList0; DerivedList = new CObList; m_SolList.ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); CButton *Btn = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_NEXTSOLUTION); CButton *Btn1 = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_PREVSOULTION); CButton *Btn2 = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_MARKSOLL); Btn->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); Btn1->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); Btn2->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); CListBox *List1 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST1); CListBox *List2 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST2); CListBox *List3 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDD_LIST3); CListBox *List4 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDD_LIST4); List1->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); List2->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); List3->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); List4->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); CButton *Btn11 = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_PREVSOL); CButton *Btn12 = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_NEXTSOL); Btn11->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); Btn12->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); m_Tree1.ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); } CRoutineDesinView::~CRoutineDesinView() { } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CRoutineDesinView printing ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CRoutineDesinView diagnostics ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CRoutineDesinView message handlers void CRoutineDesinView::OnInitialUpdate() { CFormView::OnInitialUpdate(); } void CRoutineDesinView::OnSelchangePS() { CString PSKey; if (m_PSList.GetCurSel() >=0) m_PSList.GetText(m_PSList.GetCurSel(),PSKey); else return; CPSAndSpecList & pPSAndSpecList = GetDocument()->PSAndSpecList; CPSAndSpec * pPSAndSpec; pPSAndSpecList.Lookup(PSKey,pPSAndSpec); m_Tree.DeleteAllItems(); UpdateView(pPSAndSpec->TopSpec); CurrentPS = PSKey ; } void CRoutineDesinView::UpdateView(CString str,HTREEITEM hItem) { CObList1 & pCollectionList = GetDocument()->CollectionList; POSITION pos = pCollectionList.GetHeadPosition(); HTREEITEM hItemSon = m_Tree.InsertItem(str,hItem); CAgent * pAgent = new CAgent; while (pos != NULL) { CString Key; pAgent = (CAgent *)pCollectionList.GetAt(pos); if (pAgent->Parent == str) UpdateView(pAgent->Name,hItemSon); pCollectionList.GetNext(pos); } } void CRoutineDesinView::OnAddAgent() { HTREEITEM hItem = m_Tree.GetSelectedItem(); if (hItem == NULL) return; CString m_AgentName; CString ParentType1; CString ParentType = GetType(hItem); if (ParentType == "Step") { MessageBox("Can not Add Agent to Step ...."); return; } if ( ParentType == "Plan") { CAddUAgent AddAgentDlg; if (AddAgentDlg.DoModal() != IDOK) return; if (AddAgentDlg.m_AgentName.IsEmpty()) return; m_AgentName = AddAgentDlg.m_AgentName; ParentType1 = AddAgentDlg.m_Type; if (ParentType1.IsEmpty()) { MessageBox("Unkown Agent Type..."); return; } } else { CAddAgent AddAgentDlg; if (AddAgentDlg.DoModal() != IDOK) return; if (AddAgentDlg.m_AgentName.IsEmpty()) return; m_AgentName = AddAgentDlg.m_AgentName; } CString AgentParentName = AgentGetName(hItem); CObList1 & pCollectionList = GetDocument()->CollectionList; CAgent * pAgent = new CAgent; pAgent = pCollectionList.Lookup(m_AgentName); if (pAgent) { MessageBox("Agent Aleady Exist...."); return; } // CString DetailName = m_AgentName + "("+str+")" ; HTREEITEM hItemSon = m_Tree.InsertItem(m_AgentName,hItem); // MessageBox(ParentType); pAgent = new CAgent; pAgent->Name = m_AgentName; pAgent->Parent = AgentParentName; if (ParentType == "Specialist") { pAgent->AgentType = "Plan"; CPlanList & pPlanList = GetDocument()->PlanList; CPlan * pPlan = new CPlan; pPlan->Name = pAgent->Name; pPlan->Parent = pAgent->Parent; pPlanList[pAgent->Name] = pPlan; pCollectionList.AddTail(pAgent); m_Tree.Expand(hItem,TVE_EXPAND); return; } if (ParentType == "Plan") { pAgent->AgentType = ParentType1; pCollectionList.AddTail(pAgent); m_Tree.Expand(hItem,TVE_EXPAND); return; } if (ParentType == "Task") { pAgent->AgentType = "Step"; CStepList & pStepList = GetDocument()->StepList; CStep * pStep = new CStep; pStep->Name = pAgent->Name; pStep->Parent = pAgent->Parent; pStepList[pAgent->Name] = pStep; pCollectionList.AddTail(pAgent); m_Tree.Expand(hItem,TVE_EXPAND); return; } } CString CRoutineDesinView::AgentGetName(HTREEITEM hItem) { char buf[256]; TV_ITEM tvi; tvi.hItem = hItem; tvi.mask = TVIF_TEXT; tvi.pszText = buf; tvi.cchTextMax = 256; m_Tree.GetItem (&tvi); CString str = tvi.pszText; return str; } CString CRoutineDesinView::GetType(HTREEITEM hItem) { char buf[256]; TV_ITEM tvi; tvi.hItem = hItem; tvi.mask = TVIF_TEXT; tvi.pszText = buf; tvi.cchTextMax = 256; m_Tree.GetItem (&tvi); CString str = tvi.pszText; return GetType(str); } CString CRoutineDesinView::GetType(CString str) { CObList1 & pCollectionList = GetDocument()->CollectionList; CAgent * pAgent = new CAgent; pAgent = pCollectionList.Lookup(str); if (pAgent) return pAgent->AgentType; else return ""; } void CRoutineDesinView::OnRightclickTree(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { HTREEITEM hItem = m_Tree.GetSelectedItem(); if (hItem == NULL) return; RECT * rect = new RECT; m_Tree.GetItemRect(hItem,rect,-1); CMenu menu; CMenu *submenu = new CMenu; // load the menu menu.LoadMenu(IDR_MAINFRAME); // get the popup menu submenu = menu.GetSubMenu(3); // convert to screen coordinates CPoint point; point.x=rect->right+21; point.y=rect->bottom+91; ClientToScreen(&point); // post the menu submenu->TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN|TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, point.x, point.y, AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd,NULL); *pResult = 0; } void CRoutineDesinView::OnUpdateAgent() { HTREEITEM hItem = m_Tree.GetSelectedItem(); if (hItem == NULL) return; CObList1 & pCollectionList = GetDocument()->CollectionList; CStepList & pStepList = GetDocument()->StepList; CString AgentType = GetType(hItem); if (AgentType == "Plan") { CPlanDlg PlanDlg; CPlanList & pPlanList = GetDocument()->PlanList; CVarList & pVarList = GetDocument()->VarList; CPlan *pPlan = new CPlan; pPlan = pPlanList[AgentGetName(hItem)]; PlanDlg.GetAllData(pCollectionList,pStepList,AgentGetName(hItem),pPlan,pVarList); if (PlanDlg.DoModal()==IDOK) { HTREEITEM RootItem = m_Tree.GetRootItem(); CString str = AgentGetName(RootItem); m_Tree.DeleteAllItems(); UpdateView(str); m_Tree.Expand(RootItem,TVE_EXPAND); } return; } if (AgentType == "Task") { CTaskDlg TaskDlg; TaskDlg.GetAllData(pCollectionList,pStepList,AgentGetName(hItem)); if (TaskDlg.DoModal()==IDOK) { HTREEITEM RootItem = m_Tree.GetRootItem(); CString str = AgentGetName(RootItem); m_Tree.DeleteAllItems(); UpdateView(str); m_Tree.Expand(RootItem,TVE_EXPAND); } return; } if (AgentType == "Step") { CStepBrowse StepBrowseDlg; CVarList & pVarList = GetDocument()->VarList; StepBrowseDlg.GetAllData(pStepList,pVarList,AgentGetName(hItem)); if (StepBrowseDlg.DoModal()==IDOK) { } } } void CRoutineDesinView::OnBrowseDatabase() { CDatabaseDlg DatabaseDlg; CObList1 & pCollectionList = GetDocument()->CollectionList; CVarList & pVarList = GetDocument()->VarList; DatabaseDlg.GetAllData(pCollectionList,pVarList); DatabaseDlg.DoModal(); } void CRoutineDesinView::OnRunPS() { if (AfxMessageBox("Run Single Design",MB_YESNO)== IDYES) Single = TRUE; else Single = FALSE; Back = FALSE; if (m_PSList.GetCurSel() < 0) return; CurrentOrAllPS = 1; Back = FALSE; CPSAndSpec * pPSAndSpec; if (CurrentPS=="Fertilization") RunPS("Irrigation PS"); CPSAndSpecList & pPSAndSpecList = GetDocument()->PSAndSpecList; pPSAndSpecList.Lookup(CurrentPS,pPSAndSpec); if (Single == TRUE) { if (!SpecialistHandler(pPSAndSpec->TopSpec)) MessageBox("Design failed...."); }else { CNode *Node1 = new CNode; Node1->AttributeName = "Construct Of " + CurrentPS; Node1->Value = ""; hItemSon000 = m_Tree1.InsertItem(Node1->AttributeName,1,1); WTree.SetAt(hItemSon000,Node1); Array *A1= new Array; A1->Add( hItemSon000); if (!MSpecialistHandler(pPSAndSpec->TopSpec,A1)) MessageBox("Design failed...."); GetSolution(hItemSon000); CHItem * hItem = new CHItem; hItem->hItem= hItemSon000; CString Int ; CurrentSol = 0; Int.Format("%d-%d",0,1); // IntToTree.SetAt((CString)Int,(CHItem)hItem); IntToTree[Int] = hItem; CListBox *List1 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST1); List1->AddString(Node1->AttributeName ); } } BOOL CRoutineDesinView::SpecialistHandler(CString Spec) { if (!ConstrainHandler(Spec,0)) return FALSE; CStringList * RankingPlanList ; RankingPlanList = GetRankingPlanList(Spec); if (RankingPlanList == NULL) return FALSE; if (RankingPlanList->IsEmpty()) { return FALSE; } POSITION pos = RankingPlanList->GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CString Plan = RankingPlanList->GetAt(pos); if (PlanHandler(Plan)) if (ConstrainHandler(Spec,1)) return TRUE; RankingPlanList->GetNext(pos); } return FALSE; } BOOL CRoutineDesinView::ConstrainHandler(CString AgentName,int InitOrFinal ) { return TRUE; } CStringList* CRoutineDesinView::GetRankingPlanList(CString Spec) { CStringList* PerfectList = new CStringList; CStringList* RoleoutList = new CStringList; CStringList* SuitableList = new CStringList; CStringList* EmptyList = new CStringList; CAgent * pAgent = new CAgent; CPlanList & pPlanList = GetDocument()->PlanList; CObList1 & pCollectionList = GetDocument()->CollectionList; POSITION pos = pCollectionList.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CString Key; pAgent = (CAgent *)pCollectionList.GetAt(pos); if (pAgent->Parent != Spec) { pCollectionList.GetNext(pos); continue; } CPlan *pPlan = new CPlan; pPlan = pPlanList[pAgent->Name]; CSponsor *pSponsor = new CSponsor; pSponsor = (CSponsor *) pPlan->pSponsor; int RowNo = pSponsor->Rows.GetSize(); for (int i =0; i < RowNo; i++) { CRow * row = new CRow; BOOL Success; row = (CRow *) pSponsor->Rows.GetAt(i); int ColNo = row->Columns.GetSize(); for (int j =0; j < ColNo; j++) { CColumn *column = new CColumn; column = (CColumn *) row->Columns.GetAt(j); Success = EvaluateColumn(column,column->Attribute,pAgent->Name); if (!Success) break; } if (Success) { if (row->Result == "Perfect") PerfectList->AddTail(pAgent->Name); if (row->Result.IsEmpty()) EmptyList->AddTail(pAgent->Name); if (row->Result == "Roleout") RoleoutList->AddTail(pAgent->Name); if (row->Result == "Suitable") SuitableList->AddTail(pAgent->Name); break; } } pCollectionList.GetNext(pos); } if (!PerfectList->IsEmpty()) return PerfectList; if (!SuitableList->IsEmpty()) return SuitableList; if (!EmptyList->IsEmpty()) return EmptyList; if (!RoleoutList->IsEmpty()) return RoleoutList; return NULL; } BOOL CRoutineDesinView::PlanHandler(CString Plan) { CStringList* PlanItemList ; PlanItemList = GetAllItems(Plan); POSITION pos = PlanItemList->GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CString PlanItem = PlanItemList->GetAt(pos); if (GetType(PlanItem) == "Task") if (!TaskHandler(PlanItem)) return FALSE; if (GetType(PlanItem) == "Specialist") if (!SpecialistHandler(PlanItem)) return FALSE; if (GetType(PlanItem) == "Constraint") if (!ConstrainHandler(PlanItem)) return FALSE; PlanItemList->GetNext(pos); } return TRUE; } CStringList * CRoutineDesinView::GetAllItems(CString Plan) { CStringList* ItemList = new CStringList; CObList1 & pCollectionList = GetDocument()->CollectionList; POSITION pos = pCollectionList.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CString Key; CAgent * pAgent = new CAgent; pAgent = (CAgent *)pCollectionList.GetAt(pos ); if (pAgent->Parent != Plan) { pCollectionList.GetNext(pos); continue; } // ItemList->AddHead(pAgent->Name); ItemList->AddTail(pAgent->Name); pCollectionList.GetNext(pos); } return ItemList; } BOOL CRoutineDesinView::TaskHandler(CString Task) { CStringList *StepList ; StepList = GetAllItems(Task); POSITION pos = StepList->GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { BOOL Res; CString Step = StepList->GetAt(pos); Res = StepHandler(Step); if (!Res) return FALSE; StepList->GetNext(pos); } return TRUE; } BOOL CRoutineDesinView::StepHandler(CString Step) { if (!ConstrainHandler(Step)) return FALSE; CStepList & pStepList = GetDocument()->StepList; CStep * pStep = new CStep; pStep = pStepList[Step]; CEvaluationAgent *pEvaluationAgent = new CEvaluationAgent; pEvaluationAgent = (CEvaluationAgent *) pStep->pEvaluationAgent; int RowNo = pEvaluationAgent->Rows.GetSize(); for (int i =0; i < RowNo; i++) { CRow * row = new CRow; BOOL Success = TRUE; row = (CRow *) pEvaluationAgent->Rows.GetAt(i); int ColNo = row->Columns.GetSize(); for (int j =0; j < ColNo; j++) { CColumn *column = new CColumn; column = (CColumn *) row->Columns.GetAt(j); Success = EvaluateColumn(column,pStep->AttributeName,Step); if (Back) { SolveBack(); return TRUE; } if (!Success) break; } if (Success) { CVarList & pVarList = GetDocument()->VarList; CAttribute * pAttribute = new CAttribute; pAttribute = pVarList[pStep->AttributeName]; if (pAttribute->ClassType == "RDNumericalVar") pAttribute->Value = SolveExp(row); else pAttribute->Value = row->Result; pAttribute->HasNoInput = FALSE; CNodeOfStack * Node = new CNodeOfStack; Node->AttributeName = pAttribute->Name; Node->Type = "Inference"; Stack.AddHead(Node); return TRUE; } } return TRUE; } BOOL CRoutineDesinView::EvaluateColumn(CColumn * column,CString AttributeName,CString strAgent) { if (column->Operator == "?") return TRUE; CVarList & pVarList = GetDocument()->VarList; CAttribute * pAttribute = new CAttribute; pAttribute = pVarList[column->Attribute]; if (pAttribute->HasNoInput) ShowItsDialog(pAttribute,strAgent); if (column->Operator == "= ") if (pAttribute->Value == column->Value) return TRUE; else return FALSE; if (column->Operator == "~=") if (pAttribute->Value != column->Value) return TRUE; else return FALSE; if (column->Operator == "< ") if (pAttribute->Value < column->Value) return TRUE; else return FALSE; if (column->Operator == "> ") if (pAttribute->Value > column->Value) return TRUE; else return FALSE; if (column->Operator == ">=") if (pAttribute->Value >= column->Value) return TRUE; else return FALSE; if (column->Operator == "<=") if (pAttribute->Value <= column->Value) return TRUE; else return FALSE; return TRUE; } void CRoutineDesinView::ShowItsDialog(CAttribute * pAttribute,CString strAgent) { if (pAttribute->ClassType == "RDYesNoVar") { CYesNoQ YesNoDlg; YesNoDlg.GetAllData(pAttribute,strAgent); if (YesNoDlg.DoModal() == IDCANCEL) return; CNodeOfStack * Node = new CNodeOfStack; Node->AttributeName = pAttribute->Name; Node->Type = "User"; Stack.AddHead(Node); if (YesNoDlg.Back) { Back = TRUE; return; } pAttribute->Value = YesNoDlg.Value; pAttribute->HasNoInput = FALSE; return; } if (pAttribute->ClassType == "RDOneOfVar") { COneOfQ OneOfVar; OneOfVar.GetAllData(pAttribute,strAgent); if (OneOfVar.DoModal() == IDCANCEL) return; CNodeOfStack * Node = new CNodeOfStack; Node->AttributeName = pAttribute->Name; Node->Type = "User"; Stack.AddHead(Node); if (OneOfVar.Back) { Back = TRUE; return; } pAttribute->Value = OneOfVar.Value; pAttribute->HasNoInput = FALSE; return; } if (pAttribute->ClassType == "RDStringVar") { CStringDlg StringDlg; StringDlg.GetAllData("",pAttribute,2); if (StringDlg.DoModal() == IDCANCEL) return; CNodeOfStack * Node = new CNodeOfStack; Node->AttributeName = pAttribute->Name; Node->Type = "User"; Stack.AddHead(Node); if (StringDlg.Back) { Back = TRUE; return; } pAttribute->Value = StringDlg.m_Value; pAttribute->HasNoInput = FALSE; return; } if (pAttribute->ClassType == "RDNumericalVar") { CStringDlg StringDlg; StringDlg.GetAllData("",pAttribute,3); if (StringDlg.DoModal() == IDCANCEL) return; CNodeOfStack * Node = new CNodeOfStack; Node->AttributeName = pAttribute->Name; Node->Type = "User"; Stack.AddHead(Node); if (StringDlg.Back) { Back = TRUE; return; } pAttribute->Value = StringDlg.m_Value; pAttribute->HasNoInput = FALSE; return; } } void CRoutineDesinView::OnRunAllPS() { if (AfxMessageBox("Run Single Deign",MB_YESNO)== IDYES) Single = TRUE; else Single = FALSE; Back = FALSE; CPSAndSpec * pPSAndSpec; CurrentOrAllPS = 0; Back = FALSE; CPSAndSpecList & pPSAndSpecList = GetDocument()->PSAndSpecList; /* new */ CNode *Node1 = new CNode; Node1->AttributeName = "Construct Of All PS's " ; Node1->Value = ""; hItemSon000 = m_Tree1.InsertItem(Node1->AttributeName,1,1); WTree.SetAt(hItemSon000,Node1); Array *A1= new Array; A1->Add( hItemSon000); /*end new */ POSITION pos = pPSAndSpecList.GetStartPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CString Key; pPSAndSpecList.GetNextAssoc(pos, Key, pPSAndSpec); if (Single == TRUE) { if (!SpecialistHandler(pPSAndSpec->TopSpec)) MessageBox("Design of " + pPSAndSpec->TopSpec + " failed...."); }else { //Array * List = new Array; /// Add All List Of all Attribute A1=MSpecialistHandler(pPSAndSpec->TopSpec,A1); // MessageBox("Design of " + pPSAndSpec->TopSpec + " failed...."); /* new 1*/ GetSolution(hItemSon000); CHItem * hItem = new CHItem; hItem->hItem= hItemSon000; CString Int ; CurrentSol = 0; Int.Format("%d-%d",0,1); // IntToTree.SetAt((CString)Int,(CHItem)hItem); IntToTree[Int] = hItem; CListBox *List1 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST1); List1->AddString(Node1->AttributeName ); /*end new 1*/ } } } CString CRoutineDesinView::SolveExp(CRow * row) { CAttribute * pAttribute = new CAttribute; CString in = row->Result; CVarList & pVarList = GetDocument()->VarList; POSITION pos = pVarList.GetStartPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CString Key; pVarList.GetNextAssoc(pos, Key, pAttribute); if (pAttribute == NULL) continue; if (pAttribute->ClassType != "RDNumericalVar") continue; int x = in.Find(pAttribute->Name); if (x ==-1)continue; if (pAttribute->HasNoInput) ShowItsDialog(pAttribute,"Exp."); in.Replace(pAttribute->Name,pAttribute->Value); // if (Back) // { // SolveBack(); // return; // } } double * ret = new double; long dd = m_tcl.TclExprDouble(in,ret); CString out; out.Format("%.2f",*ret); delete ret; return out; } int CRoutineDesinView::Precedence(CString str) { if ( str == "-" || str == "+" ) return 0; if ( str == "/" || str == "*" ) return 1; if ( str == ")" ) return 2; return 0; } double CRoutineDesinView::execute(double a, CString op, double b) { if (op == "-") return a-b; if (op == "+") return a+b; if (op == "/") return a/b; if (op == "*") return a*b; return 0; } void CRoutineDesinView::OnRunAgent() { if (AfxMessageBox("Run Single Deign",MB_YESNO)== IDYES) Single = TRUE; else Single = FALSE; CurrentOrAllPS = 2; Back = FALSE; HTREEITEM hItem = m_Tree.GetSelectedItem(); if (hItem == NULL) return; // GetAgent Name char buf[256]; TV_ITEM tvi; tvi.hItem = hItem; tvi.mask = TVIF_TEXT; tvi.pszText = buf; tvi.cchTextMax = 256; m_Tree.GetItem (&tvi); CString m_AgentName = tvi.pszText; CString AgentType = GetType(hItem); if (AgentType == "Step") { if (Single) StepHandler(m_AgentName); } if (AgentType == "Task") TaskHandler(m_AgentName); if (AgentType == "Plan") PlanHandler(m_AgentName); if (AgentType == "Specialist") SpecialistHandler(m_AgentName); } void CRoutineDesinView::SolveBack() { Back = FALSE; POSITION pos = Stack.GetHeadPosition(); CNodeOfStack * Node = new CNodeOfStack; int Count = 0; while (pos != NULL) { Node = (CNodeOfStack *)Stack.RemoveHead(); CVarList & pVarList = GetDocument()->VarList; CAttribute * pAttribute ; pAttribute = pVarList[Node->AttributeName]; pAttribute->Value = ""; pAttribute->HasNoInput = TRUE; if (Node->Type == "User") { if (Count >= 1) break; Count ++; } if (Stack.GetCount() == 0) break; Stack.GetNext(pos); } // Stack.RemoveAll(); if (CurrentOrAllPS == 1) OnRunPS(); if (CurrentOrAllPS == 0) OnRunAllPS(); if (CurrentOrAllPS == 2) OnRunAgent(); } void CRoutineDesinView::OnInputAttributes() { CVarList & pVarList = GetDocument()->VarList; CShowOutput Showdlg; Showdlg.GetAllData(pVarList,TRUE); Showdlg.DoModal(); return; if (Showdlg.Update) { POSITION pos = Stack.GetHeadPosition(); CNodeOfStack * Node = new CNodeOfStack; int Count = 0; while (pos != NULL) { if (Node->Type == "User") { Stack.GetNext(pos); continue; } Node = (CNodeOfStack *)Stack.RemoveHead(); CVarList & pVarList = GetDocument()->VarList; CAttribute * pAttribute = new CAttribute; pAttribute = pVarList[Node->AttributeName]; pAttribute->Value = ""; pAttribute->HasNoInput = TRUE; Stack.GetNext(pos); } if (CurrentOrAllPS == 1) OnRunPS(); if (CurrentOrAllPS == 0) OnRunAllPS(); if (CurrentOrAllPS == 2) OnRunAgent(); } } void CRoutineDesinView::OnResults() { /* CVarList & pVarList = GetDocument()->VarList; COutputDlg OutputDlg; OutputDlg.GetAllData(GetDocument()->TaskPSList,GetDocument()->PSAndSpecList,pVarList,Tree); OutputDlg.DoModal(); */ CVarList & pVarList = GetDocument()->VarList; CShowOutput Showdlg; Showdlg.GetAllData(pVarList,FALSE); Showdlg.DoModal(); return; if (Showdlg.Update) { POSITION pos = Stack.GetHeadPosition(); CNodeOfStack * Node = new CNodeOfStack; int Count = 0; while (pos != NULL) { if (Node->Type == "User") { Stack.GetNext(pos); continue; } Node = (CNodeOfStack *)Stack.RemoveHead(); CVarList & pVarList = GetDocument()->VarList; CAttribute * pAttribute = new CAttribute; pAttribute = pVarList[Node->AttributeName]; pAttribute->Value = ""; pAttribute->HasNoInput = TRUE; Stack.GetNext(pos); } if (CurrentOrAllPS == 1) OnRunPS(); if (CurrentOrAllPS == 0) OnRunAllPS(); if (CurrentOrAllPS == 2) OnRunAgent(); } } Array* CRoutineDesinView::mStepHandler(CString Step,Array * List) { if (!ConstrainHandler(Step)) return FALSE; CStepList & pStepList = GetDocument()->StepList; CStep * pStep = new CStep; Array* ReturnedList = new Array; if (List == NULL) List = new Array; CString Out; ReturnedList = new Array; pStep = pStepList[Step]; CAttribute * pAttribute = new CAttribute; CVarList & pVarList = GetDocument()->VarList; pAttribute = pVarList[pStep->AttributeName]; CEvaluationAgent *pEvaluationAgent = new CEvaluationAgent; pEvaluationAgent = (CEvaluationAgent *) pStep->pEvaluationAgent; int RowNo = pEvaluationAgent->Rows.GetSize(); for (int i =0; i < RowNo; i++) { CRow * row = new CRow; BOOL Success = TRUE; row = (CRow *) pEvaluationAgent->Rows.GetAt(i); int ColNo = row->Columns.GetSize(); for (int j =0; j < ColNo; j++) { CColumn *column = new CColumn; column = (CColumn *) row->Columns.GetAt(j); // i do not know why this statment for, but it is necessary if (column->Attribute.IsEmpty()) continue; Success = mEvaluateColumn(column,pStep->AttributeName,Step); /* 15/4/2000 if (Success) { if (pAttribute->ClassType == "RDNumericalVar") Out = SolveExp(row); } */ if (!Success) break; } // 28/8/99 if (Success && ColNo == 0 && pAttribute->ClassType == "RDNumericalVar") Out = SolveExp(row); if (Success) { CNode * Node1 = new CNode; Node1->AttributeName = pStep->AttributeName; //AddInTree(Node1); if (pAttribute->ClassType == "RDNumericalVar") { Out = SolveExp(row); pAttribute->Value = Out; } else pAttribute->Value = row->Result; Node1->Value = pAttribute->Value; pAttribute->Values.AddTail(pAttribute->Value); pAttribute->HasNoInput = FALSE; int Size = List->GetSize(); for (int i =0 ; i< Size;i++) { HTREEITEM hItemSon ; hItemSon = List->GetAt(i); if (ValidNode(hItemSon,row)) // make sure that the value that gets from row is valid with the wole path { if (pAttribute->output) { hItemSon = m_Tree1.InsertItem(Node1->AttributeName+" = "+Node1->Value,1,2,hItemSon); WTree.SetAt(hItemSon,Node1); ReturnedList->Add(hItemSon); } } } } } if (ReturnedList->GetSize()==0) return List; return ReturnedList; } BOOL CRoutineDesinView::mEvaluateColumn(CColumn * column, CString AttributeName, CString strAgent) { if (column->Operator == "?") return TRUE; CVarList & pVarList = GetDocument()->VarList; CAttribute * pAttribute = new CAttribute; pAttribute = pVarList[column->Attribute]; if (pAttribute->HasNoInput) ShowItsDialog(pAttribute,strAgent); if (column->Operator == "= ") if (pAttribute->Value == column->Value) return TRUE; else { POSITION pos = pAttribute->Values.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CString Val = pAttribute->Values.GetAt(pos); if (Val == column->Value) return TRUE; pAttribute->Values.GetNext(pos); } return FALSE; } if (column->Operator == "~=") if (pAttribute->Value != column->Value) return TRUE; else { POSITION pos = pAttribute->Values.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CString Val = pAttribute->Values.GetAt(pos); if (Val != column->Value) return TRUE; pAttribute->Values.GetNext(pos); } return FALSE; } if (column->Operator == "< ") if (pAttribute->Value < column->Value) return TRUE; else { POSITION pos = pAttribute->Values.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CString Val = pAttribute->Values.GetAt(pos); if (Val < column->Value) return TRUE; pAttribute->Values.GetNext(pos); } return FALSE; } if (column->Operator == "> ") if (pAttribute->Value > column->Value) return TRUE; else { POSITION pos = pAttribute->Values.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CString Val = pAttribute->Values.GetAt(pos); if (Val > column->Value) return TRUE; pAttribute->Values.GetNext(pos); } return FALSE; } if (column->Operator == ">=") if (pAttribute->Value >= column->Value) return TRUE; else { POSITION pos = pAttribute->Values.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CString Val = pAttribute->Values.GetAt(pos); if (Val >= column->Value) return TRUE; pAttribute->Values.GetNext(pos); } return FALSE; } if (column->Operator == "<=") if (pAttribute->Value <= column->Value) return TRUE; else { POSITION pos = pAttribute->Values.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CString Val = pAttribute->Values.GetAt(pos); if (Val <= column->Value) return TRUE; pAttribute->Values.GetNext(pos); } return FALSE; } return TRUE; } void CRoutineDesinView::OnPsAndOp() { COutputBrowser OutputBrowser; OutputBrowser.GetAllData(GetDocument()); OutputBrowser.DoModal(); } Array* CRoutineDesinView::MSpecialistHandler(CString Spec, Array * List) { if (!ConstrainHandler(Spec,0)) return NULL; Array* TempList = new Array; Array* ReturnedList = new Array; CStringList * RankingPlanList ; RankingPlanList = GetRankingPlanList(Spec); if (RankingPlanList == NULL) return FALSE; if (RankingPlanList->IsEmpty()) { MessageBox("Design failed...."); return NULL; } POSITION pos = RankingPlanList->GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CString Plan = RankingPlanList->GetAt(pos); TempList = MPlanHandler(Plan, List); // if templist == list then fail for (int i =0 ; i< TempList->GetSize();i++) { HTREEITEM hItemSon ; hItemSon = TempList->GetAt(i); ReturnedList->Add(hItemSon); } // if fail call error handler "to be continue" ConstrainHandler(Spec,1); RankingPlanList->GetNext(pos); } return ReturnedList; } Array* CRoutineDesinView::MPlanHandler(CString Plan, Array * List) { CStringList* PlanItemList ; PlanItemList = GetAllItems(Plan); Array* ReturnedList = new Array; POSITION pos = PlanItemList->GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CString PlanItem = PlanItemList->GetAt(pos); if (GetType(PlanItem) == "Task") { ReturnedList = MTaskHandler(PlanItem,List); if (ReturnedList == NULL) return List; List = ReturnedList; }else { if (GetType(PlanItem) == "Specialist") ReturnedList = MSpecialistHandler(PlanItem,List); if (ReturnedList == NULL) return List; List = ReturnedList; } if (GetType(PlanItem) == "Constraint") if (!ConstrainHandler(PlanItem)) return List; PlanItemList->GetNext(pos); } return ReturnedList; } Array* CRoutineDesinView::MTaskHandler(CString Task, Array * List) { CStringList *StepList ; StepList = GetAllItems(Task); Array* ReturnedList = new Array; POSITION pos = StepList->GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CString Step = StepList->GetAt(pos); ReturnedList= mStepHandler(Step,List); List = ReturnedList; //if (List = NULL) return FALSE; StepList->GetNext(pos); } return List; } BOOL CRoutineDesinView::ValidNode(HTREEITEM hItemSon,CRow * row) { int ColNo = row->Columns.GetSize(); for (int j =0; j < ColNo; j++) { CColumn *column = new CColumn; column = (CColumn *) row->Columns.GetAt(j); // i do not know why this statment for, but it is necessary if (column->Attribute.IsEmpty()) continue; while (hItemSon !=NULL) { CNode * Node1 = new CNode; WTree.Lookup(hItemSon,Node1); if (Node1->AttributeName == column->Attribute && Node1->Value != column->Value) return FALSE; hItemSon = m_Tree1.GetParentItem(hItemSon); } } return TRUE; } void CRoutineDesinView::OnMarksoll() { m_SolList.ResetContent(); POSITION pos = SolutionStack.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos ) { CHItem * hItem ; hItem = (CHItem *)SolutionStack.GetAt(pos); HTREEITEM hItemSon = hItem->hItem; CNode * Node1 = new CNode; WTree.Lookup(hItemSon,Node1); m_SolList.AddString(Node1->AttributeName +" = " + Node1->Value); SolutionStack.GetNext(pos); } /* HTREEITEM hItemSon1= m_Tree1.GetChildItem(hItemSon); CNode * Node1 = new CNode; WTree.Lookup(hItemSon1,Node1); CString str1 = Node1->AttributeName +" = " + Node1->Value; AfxMessageBox(str1); hItemSon1 = m_Tree1.GetNextSiblingItem(hItemSon1); WTree.Lookup(hItemSon1,Node1); str1 = Node1->AttributeName +" = " + Node1->Value; AfxMessageBox(str1); hItemSon1 = m_Tree1.GetNextSiblingItem(hItemSon1); WTree.Lookup(hItemSon1,Node1); str1 = Node1->AttributeName +" = " + Node1->Value; AfxMessageBox(str1); if (hItemSon == NULL) return; */ } void CRoutineDesinView::GetSolution(HTREEITEM hItem) { HTREEITEM hItemSon; while ((hItemSon=m_Tree1.GetChildItem(hItem)) != NULL) { CHItem * hItem1 = new CHItem; hItem = hItem1->hItem = hItemSon; SolutionStack.AddHead((CHItem *)hItem1); } } void CRoutineDesinView::OnNextSolution() { OnMarksoll(); CHItem * hItem1 = new CHItem; if (SolutionStack.GetCount()==0) { GetSolution(hItemSon000); return; } while ((hItem1 =(CHItem *)SolutionStack.RemoveHead()) != NULL) { CHItem * hItem = new CHItem; hItem->hItem = m_Tree1.GetNextSiblingItem(hItem1->hItem); if (hItem->hItem !=NULL) { SolutionStack.AddHead((CHItem *)hItem); GetSolution(hItem->hItem); return; } if (SolutionStack.GetCount()==0) { AfxMessageBox("There is no another solution .... "); GetSolution(hItemSon000); return; } } } void CRoutineDesinView::OnPrevSoultion() { OnMarksoll(); CHItem * hItem1 = new CHItem; if (SolutionStack.GetCount()==0) { GetSolution(hItemSon000); return; } while ((hItem1 =(CHItem *)SolutionStack.RemoveHead()) != NULL) { CHItem * hItem = new CHItem; hItem->hItem = m_Tree1.GetPrevSiblingItem(hItem1->hItem); if (hItem->hItem !=NULL) { SolutionStack.AddHead((CHItem *)hItem); GetSolution(hItem->hItem); return; } if (SolutionStack.GetCount()==0) { AfxMessageBox("There is no another solution .... "); GetSolution(hItemSon000); return; } } } void CRoutineDesinView::OnShowTree() { m_Tree1.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); CButton *Btn = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_NEXTSOLUTION); CButton *Btn1 = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_PREVSOULTION); CButton *Btn2 = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_MARKSOLL); Btn->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); Btn1->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); Btn2->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); m_SolList.ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); CListBox *List1 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST1); CListBox *List2 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST2); CListBox *List3 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDD_LIST3); CListBox *List4 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDD_LIST4); List1->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); List2->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); List3->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); List4->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); CButton *Btn11 = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_PREVSOL); CButton *Btn12 = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_NEXTSOL); Btn11->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); Btn12->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); } void CRoutineDesinView::OnShowTable() { m_Tree1.ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); CButton *Btn = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_NEXTSOLUTION); CButton *Btn1 = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_PREVSOULTION); CButton *Btn2 = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_MARKSOLL); Btn->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); Btn1->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); Btn2->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); CListBox *List1 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST1); CListBox *List2 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST2); CListBox *List3 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDD_LIST3); CListBox *List4 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDD_LIST4); List1->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); List2->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); List3->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); List4->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); m_SolList.ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); CButton *Btn11 = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_PREVSOL); CButton *Btn12 = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_NEXTSOL); Btn11->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); Btn12->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); } void CRoutineDesinView::OnShowDialog() { m_Tree1.ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); CButton *Btn = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_NEXTSOLUTION); CButton *Btn1 = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_PREVSOULTION); CButton *Btn2 = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_MARKSOLL); Btn->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); Btn1->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); Btn2->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); m_SolList.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); CListBox *List1 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST1); CListBox *List2 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST2); CListBox *List3 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDD_LIST3); CListBox *List4 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDD_LIST4); List1->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); List2->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); List3->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); List4->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); CButton *Btn11 = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_PREVSOL); CButton *Btn12 = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_NEXTSOL); Btn11->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); Btn12->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); } void CRoutineDesinView::OnSelchangeList1() { CListBox *List1 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST1); CListBox *List2 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST2); List2->ResetContent(); CListBox *List3 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDD_LIST3); List3->ResetContent(); CListBox *List4 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDD_LIST4); List4->ResetContent(); CString Int ; Int.Format("%d-%d",List1->GetCurSel(),CurrentSol+1); CHItem * hItem = new CHItem; // if (!IntToTree.Lookup(Int,(CHItem *)hItem) ) return; hItem=(CHItem *)IntToTree[Int]; HTREEITEM hItemChild = m_Tree1.GetChildItem(hItem->hItem); int x =0; while (hItemChild != NULL) { CNode *Node1 = new CNode; CHItem * hItem1 = new CHItem; hItem1->hItem = hItemChild; WTree.Lookup(hItemChild,Node1); Int.Format("%d-%d", x++,CurrentSol+2); IntToTree.SetAt(Int,hItem1); List2->AddString(Node1->AttributeName + " = " + Node1->Value); hItemChild = m_Tree1.GetNextSiblingItem(hItemChild); } } void CRoutineDesinView::OnSelchangeList2() { CListBox *List2 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST2); CListBox *List3 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDD_LIST3); List3->ResetContent(); CString Int ; Int.Format("%d-%d",List2->GetCurSel(),CurrentSol+2); CHItem * hItem = new CHItem; // if (!IntToTree.Lookup(Int,(CHItem *)hItem) ) return; hItem=(CHItem *)IntToTree[Int]; HTREEITEM hItemChild = m_Tree1.GetChildItem(hItem->hItem); int x =0; while (hItemChild != NULL) { CNode *Node1 = new CNode; CHItem * hItem1 = new CHItem; hItem1->hItem = hItemChild; WTree.Lookup(hItemChild,Node1); Int.Format("%d-%d", x++,CurrentSol+3); IntToTree.SetAt(Int,hItem1); List3->AddString(Node1->AttributeName + " = " + Node1->Value); hItemChild = m_Tree1.GetNextSiblingItem(hItemChild); } } /* void CRoutineDesinView::OnSelchangeList4() { CListBox *List3 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDD_LIST3); CListBox *List4 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDD_LIST4); List3->ResetContent(); CString Int ; int xx = List4->GetCurSel(); Int.Format("%d-%d",List4->GetCurSel(),3); CHItem * hItem = new CHItem; // if (!IntToTree.Lookup(Int,(CHItem *)hItem) ) return; hItem=(CHItem *)IntToTree[Int]; HTREEITEM hItemChild = m_Tree1.GetChildItem(hItem->hItem); int x =0; while (hItemChild != NULL) { CNode *Node1 = new CNode; CHItem * hItem1 = new CHItem; hItem1->hItem = hItemChild; WTree.Lookup(hItemChild,Node1); Int.Format("%d-%d", x++,5); IntToTree.SetAt(Int,hItem1); List3->AddString(Node1->AttributeName + " = " + Node1->Value); hItemChild = m_Tree1.GetNextSiblingItem(hItemChild); } } */ void CRoutineDesinView::OnSelchangeList3() { CListBox *List3 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDD_LIST3); CListBox *List4 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDD_LIST4); List4->ResetContent(); CString Int ; int xx = List3->GetCurSel(); Int.Format("%d-%d",List3->GetCurSel(),CurrentSol+3); CHItem * hItem = new CHItem; // if (!IntToTree.Lookup(Int,(CHItem *)hItem) ) return; hItem=(CHItem *)IntToTree[Int]; HTREEITEM hItemChild = m_Tree1.GetChildItem(hItem->hItem); int x =0; while (hItemChild != NULL) { CNode *Node1 = new CNode; CHItem * hItem1 = new CHItem; hItem1->hItem = hItemChild; WTree.Lookup(hItemChild,Node1); Int.Format("%d-%d", x++,CurrentSol+4); IntToTree.SetAt(Int,hItem1); List4->AddString(Node1->AttributeName + " = " + Node1->Value); hItemChild = m_Tree1.GetNextSiblingItem(hItemChild); } } void CRoutineDesinView::OnNextsol() { CurrentSol = CurrentSol + 1; OnSelchangeList1(); } void CRoutineDesinView::OnPrevsol() { if (CurrentSol <= 0) return; CurrentSol = CurrentSol - 1; OnSelchangeList1(); } void CRoutineDesinView::OnDeleteAgent() { HTREEITEM hItem = m_Tree.GetSelectedItem(); if (hItem == NULL) return; CString m_AgentName; m_AgentName = AgentGetName(hItem); CString ParentType1; CObList1 & pCollectionList = GetDocument()->CollectionList; CString ParentType = GetType(hItem); if (AfxMessageBox("Are you sure of Deletetion.....",MB_YESNO)== IDNO) return; pCollectionList.RemoveAt(pCollectionList.Find(pCollectionList.Lookup(m_AgentName))); m_Tree1.DeleteItem(hItem); CStepList & pStepList = GetDocument()->StepList; CPlanList & pPlanList = GetDocument()->PlanList; BOOL x = pStepList.RemoveKey(m_AgentName); x = pPlanList.RemoveKey(m_AgentName); MessageBox("Step Deleted....."); } void CRoutineDesinView::OnNewCase() { CCaseDlg dlg; int x = dlg.DoModal(); if ( x != 1 ) return; CurCase = dlg.m_Name; CVarList & pVarList = GetDocument()->VarList; POSITION pos = pVarList.GetStartPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CString Key; CAttribute * pAttribute = new CAttribute; pVarList.GetNextAssoc(pos, Key, pAttribute); if (pAttribute == NULL) continue; if (pAttribute->HasNoInput == FALSE && pAttribute->db == TRUE ) continue; pAttribute->HasNoInput = TRUE; pAttribute->Value = ""; pAttribute->Values.RemoveAll(); } m_Tree1.DeleteAllItems(); WTree.RemoveAll(); CListBox *List1 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST1); List1->ResetContent(); CListBox *List2 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST2); List2->ResetContent(); CListBox *List3 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDD_LIST3); List3->ResetContent(); CListBox *List4 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDD_LIST4); List4->ResetContent(); } void CRoutineDesinView::OnSaveCase() { CCase * Ca = new CCase; Ca->Case = CurCase; CVarList & pVarList = GetDocument()->VarList; CCaseList & CaseList = GetDocument()->CaseList; POSITION pos = pVarList.GetStartPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CString Key; CAttribute * pAttribute = new CAttribute; pVarList.GetNextAssoc(pos, Key, pAttribute); Ca->VarList.SetAt(pAttribute->Name, pAttribute); } CaseList.SetAt(Ca->Case, Ca); } void CRoutineDesinView::OnLoadCase() { CLoadCase Dlg; CCaseList & pCaseList = GetDocument()->CaseList; CNode * node = new CNode; Dlg.GetAllData(pCaseList,node); int x = Dlg.DoModal(); if ( x != 1 ) return; CurCase = node->Value; CCase * Ca = new CCase; CCaseList & CaseList = GetDocument()->CaseList; CVarList & pVarList = GetDocument()->VarList; if (CaseList.Lookup(CurCase,Ca)== FALSE) return; POSITION pos = Ca->VarList.GetStartPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CString Key; CAttribute * pAttribute = new CAttribute; Ca->VarList.GetNextAssoc(pos, Key, pAttribute); pVarList[pAttribute->Name] = pAttribute; } m_Tree1.DeleteAllItems(); WTree.RemoveAll(); CListBox *List1 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST1); List1->ResetContent(); CListBox *List2 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST2); List2->ResetContent(); CListBox *List3 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDD_LIST3); List3->ResetContent(); CListBox *List4 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDD_LIST4); List4->ResetContent(); } void CRoutineDesinView::OnFarm() { // ChgCol("sprinklerValid","SprinklerValid"); findAtt("N_Analysis"); // findAtt("K_Base"); CFarmDlg Dlg; CVarList & pVarList = GetDocument()->VarList; Dlg.GetAllData(pVarList); Dlg.DoModal(); } void CRoutineDesinView::OnFert() { CFertDlg Dlg; CVarList & pVarList = GetDocument()->VarList; Dlg.GetAllData(pVarList); Dlg.DoModal(); } void CRoutineDesinView::OnSoil() { CSoilAndWater Dlg; CVarList & pVarList = GetDocument()->VarList; Dlg.GetAllData(pVarList); Dlg.DoModal(); } void CRoutineDesinView::OnEqu() { CEquipDataDlg Dlg; CVarList & pVarList = GetDocument()->VarList; Dlg.GetAllData(pVarList); Dlg.DoModal(); } void CRoutineDesinView::OnDocumentor() { CFileDialog cfdlg(FALSE,"*.html","*.html",OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT,"HTML Files (*.html)"); cfdlg.DoModal(); CString str = cfdlg.GetPathName(); CStdioFile OutFile(str,CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite ); // str = "Design of wheat"; OutFile.WriteString(str); str = "

Design Document of Neper Wheat

"; OutFile.WriteString(str); CPSAndSpecList & pPSAndSpecList = GetDocument()->PSAndSpecList; CPSAndSpec * pPSAndSpec; POSITION pos = pPSAndSpecList.GetStartPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CString Key; pPSAndSpecList.GetNextAssoc(pos, Key, pPSAndSpec); str = "

Problem Solver:" + pPSAndSpec->PS+"

"; OutFile.WriteString(str); str = "

Top Specialist :" + pPSAndSpec->TopSpec +"

"; OutFile.WriteString(str); str = GetChildOfSpec("",pPSAndSpec->TopSpec); OutFile.WriteString(str); } OutFile.WriteString(""); OutFile.Close(); } CString CRoutineDesinView::GetChildOfSpec(CString str1,CString Spec) { CAgent * pAgent = new CAgent; CString Returned=str1; CPlanList & pPlanList = GetDocument()->PlanList; CObList1 & pCollectionList = GetDocument()->CollectionList; POSITION pos = pCollectionList.GetHeadPosition(); int RowNo; while (pos != NULL) { CString Key; pAgent = (CAgent *)pCollectionList.GetAt(pos); if (pAgent->Parent != Spec) { pCollectionList.GetNext(pos); continue; } Returned = Returned + "

Plan:" + pAgent->Name +"

"; CPlan *pPlan = new CPlan; pPlan = pPlanList[pAgent->Name]; CSponsor *pSponsor = new CSponsor; pSponsor = (CSponsor *) pPlan->pSponsor; RowNo = pSponsor->Rows.GetSize(); for (int i =0; i < RowNo; i++) { CRow * row = new CRow; row = (CRow *) pSponsor->Rows.GetAt(i); int ColNo = row->Columns.GetSize(); if (i==0) { Returned = Returned + "


"; Returned = Returned + ""; for (int j =0; j < ColNo; j++) { CColumn *column = new CColumn; column = (CColumn *) row->Columns.GetAt(j); Returned = Returned + ""; } Returned = Returned + ""; } CString s; s.Format("%d",i+1); Returned = Returned + ""; for (int j =0; j < ColNo; j++) { CColumn *column = new CColumn; column = (CColumn *) row->Columns.GetAt(j); Returned = Returned + ""; } Returned = Returned + ""; } if(RowNo>0) Returned = Returned + "
Row Number
"+s+""+ column->Operator+column->Value+ ""+row->Result+"
"; CStringList* PlanItemList ; PlanItemList = GetAllItems(pAgent->Name); POSITION pos1 = PlanItemList->GetHeadPosition(); while (pos1 != NULL) { CString PlanItem = PlanItemList->GetAt(pos1); if (GetType(PlanItem) == "Task") { Returned = Returned + "

Task:" + PlanItem +"

"; Returned = GetChildOfTask(Returned,PlanItem); } if (GetType(PlanItem) == "Specialist") { Returned = Returned + "

Specialist:" + PlanItem +"

"; Returned = GetChildOfSpec(Returned,PlanItem); } PlanItemList->GetNext(pos1); } pCollectionList.GetNext(pos); } return Returned; } CString CRoutineDesinView::GetChildOfTask(CString str, CString Task) { CString Returned=str; CStringList *StepList ; StepList = GetAllItems(Task); POSITION pos = StepList->GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CString Step = StepList->GetAt(pos); Returned = Returned + "

Step:" + Step +"

"; CStepList & pStepList = GetDocument()->StepList; CStep * pStep = new CStep; pStep = pStepList[Step]; Returned = Returned + "

Value Holder: " + pStep->AttributeName +"

"; CEvaluationAgent *pEvaluationAgent = new CEvaluationAgent; pEvaluationAgent = (CEvaluationAgent *) pStep->pEvaluationAgent; int RowNo = pEvaluationAgent->Rows.GetSize(); for (int i =0; i < RowNo; i++) { CRow * row = new CRow; row = (CRow *) pEvaluationAgent->Rows.GetAt(i); int ColNo = row->Columns.GetSize(); if (i==0) { Returned = Returned + ""; for (int j =0; j < ColNo; j++) { CColumn *column = new CColumn; column = (CColumn *) row->Columns.GetAt(j); Returned = Returned + ""; } Returned = Returned + ""; } CString s; s.Format("%d",i+1); Returned = Returned + ""; for (int j =0; j < ColNo; j++) { CColumn *column = new CColumn; column = (CColumn *) row->Columns.GetAt(j); Returned = Returned + ""; } Returned = Returned + ""; } Returned = Returned + "
Row Number
"+s+""+ column->Operator+column->Value+ ""+row->Result+"
"; StepList->GetNext(pos); } return Returned; } void CRoutineDesinView::OnADDFirstAGENT() { HTREEITEM hItem = m_Tree.GetSelectedItem(); if (hItem == NULL) return; CString m_AgentName; CString ParentType1; CString ParentType = GetType(hItem); if (ParentType == "Step") { MessageBox("Can not Add Agent to Step ...."); return; } if ( ParentType == "Plan") { CAddUAgent AddAgentDlg; if (AddAgentDlg.DoModal() != IDOK) return; if (AddAgentDlg.m_AgentName.IsEmpty()) return; m_AgentName = AddAgentDlg.m_AgentName; ParentType1 = AddAgentDlg.m_Type; if (ParentType1.IsEmpty()) { MessageBox("Unkown Agent Type..."); return; } } else { CAddAgent AddAgentDlg; if (AddAgentDlg.DoModal() != IDOK) return; if (AddAgentDlg.m_AgentName.IsEmpty()) return; m_AgentName = AddAgentDlg.m_AgentName; } CString AgentParentName = AgentGetName(hItem); CObList1 & pCollectionList = GetDocument()->CollectionList; CAgent * pAgent = new CAgent; pAgent = pCollectionList.Lookup(m_AgentName); if (pAgent) { MessageBox("Agent Aleady Exist...."); return; } // CString DetailName = m_AgentName + "("+str+")" ; HTREEITEM hItemSon = m_Tree.InsertItem(m_AgentName,hItem,TVI_FIRST); // MessageBox(ParentType); pAgent = new CAgent; pAgent->Name = m_AgentName; pAgent->Parent = AgentParentName; if (ParentType == "Specialist") { pAgent->AgentType = "Plan"; CPlanList & pPlanList = GetDocument()->PlanList; CPlan * pPlan = new CPlan; pPlan->Name = pAgent->Name; pPlan->Parent = pAgent->Parent; pPlanList[pAgent->Name] = pPlan; pCollectionList.AddHead(pAgent); m_Tree.Expand(hItem,TVE_EXPAND); return; } if (ParentType == "Plan") { pAgent->AgentType = ParentType1; pCollectionList.AddHead(pAgent); m_Tree.Expand(hItem,TVE_EXPAND); return; } if (ParentType == "Task") { pAgent->AgentType = "Step"; CStepList & pStepList = GetDocument()->StepList; CStep * pStep = new CStep; pStep->Name = pAgent->Name; pStep->Parent = pAgent->Parent; pStepList[pAgent->Name] = pStep; pCollectionList.AddHead(pAgent); m_Tree.Expand(hItem,TVE_EXPAND); return; } } void CRoutineDesinView::ChgCol(CString str1, CString str2) { CStepList & pStepList = GetDocument()->StepList; POSITION pos = pStepList.GetStartPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CStep * pStep; CString Key; pStepList.GetNextAssoc(pos, Key, pStep); CEvaluationAgent *pEvaluationAgent; pEvaluationAgent = (CEvaluationAgent *) pStep->pEvaluationAgent; int RowNo = pEvaluationAgent->Rows.GetSize(); for (int i =0; i < RowNo; i++) { CRow * row; row = (CRow *) pEvaluationAgent->Rows.GetAt(i); int ColNo = row->Columns.GetSize(); for (int j =0; j < ColNo; j++) { CColumn *column; column = (CColumn *) row->Columns.GetAt(j); if(column->Attribute == str1) column->Attribute = str2; } } } } void CRoutineDesinView::RunPS(CString PSStr) { Back = FALSE; CPSAndSpec * pPSAndSpec; CPSAndSpecList & pPSAndSpecList = GetDocument()->PSAndSpecList; pPSAndSpecList.Lookup(PSStr,pPSAndSpec); if (Single == TRUE) { if (!SpecialistHandler(pPSAndSpec->TopSpec)) MessageBox("Design failed...."); }else { CNode *Node1 = new CNode; Node1->AttributeName = "Construct Of " + PSStr; Node1->Value = ""; hItemSon000 = m_Tree1.InsertItem(Node1->AttributeName,1,1); WTree.SetAt(hItemSon000,Node1); Array *A1= new Array; A1->Add( hItemSon000); if (!MSpecialistHandler(pPSAndSpec->TopSpec,A1)) MessageBox("Design failed...."); GetSolution(hItemSon000); CHItem * hItem = new CHItem; hItem->hItem= hItemSon000; CString Int ; CurrentSol = 0; Int.Format("%d-%d",0,1); // IntToTree.SetAt((CString)Int,(CHItem)hItem); IntToTree[Int] = hItem; CListBox *List1 = (CListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST1); List1->AddString(Node1->AttributeName ); } } void CRoutineDesinView::OnLoadfromNeper() { CFileDialog cfdlg(TRUE,"*.txt","*.txt",OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT,"Text Files (*.txt)"); cfdlg.DoModal(); CString str = cfdlg.GetPathName(); CStdioFile InFile(str,CFile::modeRead ); InFile.ReadString(str); int Len = str.GetLength(); int i = 0; while (iVarList; CAttribute * pAttribute; if (pVarList.Lookup(var,pAttribute)&& value != "no input") { pAttribute->Value = value; pAttribute->HasNoInput= FALSE; } } } void CRoutineDesinView::OnLOADCaseN() { CFileDialog cfdlg(TRUE,"*.Case","*.Case",OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT,"Neper Case Files (*.Case)"); cfdlg.DoModal(); CString str = cfdlg.GetPathName(); CStdioFile InFile(str,CFile::modeRead ); while(InFile.ReadString(str)) { int Len = str.GetLength(); int i = 0; while (iVarList; CAttribute * pAttribute; if ((pVarList.Lookup(var,pAttribute) || MapList->Lookup(var,pAttribute))&&pAttribute->input == 1 && value != "no input") { pAttribute->Value = value; pAttribute->HasNoInput= FALSE; } } } } void CRoutineDesinView::OnMap() { CFileDialog cfdlg(TRUE,"*.Map","*.Map",OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT,"Map Files (*.Map)"); cfdlg.DoModal(); CString str = cfdlg.GetPathName(); CStdioFile InFile(str,CFile::modeRead ); CVarList & pVarList = GetDocument()->VarList; CAttribute * pAttribute; MapList = new CVarList; while(InFile.ReadString(str)) { CString var,mvar; int pos = str.Find(":"); if (pos < 0)continue; for(int i = 0; i< pos;i++) mvar.Insert(i,str[i]); for( i = pos+1; i< str.GetLength();i++) var.Insert(i+1-pos,str[i]); if (pVarList.Lookup(var,pAttribute)) MapList->SetAt(mvar,pAttribute); /* POSITION pos1 = pVarList.GetStartPosition(); while (pos1 != NULL) { CString Key; pVarList.GetNextAssoc(pos1, Key, pAttribute); if (Key == var) MapList->SetAt(mvar,pAttribute); }*/ } } void CRoutineDesinView::findAtt(CString str1) { CStepList & pStepList = GetDocument()->StepList; POSITION pos = pStepList.GetStartPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CStep * pStep; CString Key; pStepList.GetNextAssoc(pos, Key, pStep); if(pStep->AttributeName == str1) { AfxMessageBox("row "+Key); continue; } CEvaluationAgent *pEvaluationAgent; pEvaluationAgent = (CEvaluationAgent *) pStep->pEvaluationAgent; int RowNo = pEvaluationAgent->Rows.GetSize(); for (int i =0; i < RowNo; i++) { CRow * row; BOOL found = FALSE; row = (CRow *) pEvaluationAgent->Rows.GetAt(i); int ColNo = row->Columns.GetSize(); for (int j =0; j < ColNo; j++) { CColumn *column; column = (CColumn *) row->Columns.GetAt(j); if(column->Attribute == str1) { AfxMessageBox(Key); found = TRUE; break; } } if (found) break; } } } void CRoutineDesinView::OnCompareCase() { CFileDialog cfdlg(FALSE,"*.xls","*.xls",OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT,"Out Files (*.xls)"); cfdlg.DoModal(); CString str = cfdlg.GetPathName(); CStdioFile OutFile(str,CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite ); CFileDialog cfdlg1(TRUE,"*.In","*.In",OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT,"In Files (*.In)"); cfdlg1.DoModal(); CString str1 = cfdlg1.GetPathName(); CStdioFile InFile(str1,CFile::modeRead ); while (InFile.ReadString(str)) { int Len = str.GetLength(); int i = 0; while (iVarList; CAttribute * pAttribute; if (pVarList.Lookup(var,pAttribute)&& value != "no input") { pAttribute->Value = value; pAttribute->HasNoInput= FALSE; } */ CAttribute * pAttribute; if(!MapList->Lookup(var,pAttribute))continue; OnMarksoll(); POSITION pos = SolutionStack.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos ) { CHItem * hItem ; hItem = (CHItem *)SolutionStack.GetAt(pos); HTREEITEM hItemSon = hItem->hItem; CNode * Node1 = new CNode; WTree.Lookup(hItemSon,Node1); if (Node1->AttributeName == pAttribute->Name) { Node1->Value.Replace("\n"," "); Node1->Value.Replace("\t"," "); value.Replace("\n"," "); value.Replace("\t"," "); OutFile.WriteString(Node1->AttributeName+"\t"+Node1->Value+"\t"+value+"\n"); break; } SolutionStack.GetNext(pos); } } } OutFile.Close(); } void CRoutineDesinView::OnShowOperations() { COutputDlg OutputDlg; OutputDlg.GetAllData1(GetDocument(),this); OutputDlg.DoModal(); } void CRoutineDesinView::OnDeleteAgentIC() { OnDeleteAgent(); } void CRoutineDesinView::OnAddAgentIC() { OnAddAgent(); } void CRoutineDesinView::OnUpdateAgentIC() { OnUpdateAgent(); } void CRoutineDesinView::OnRunAgentIC() { OnRunAgent(); } void CRoutineDesinView::OnHelp() { } void CRoutineDesinView::OnBrowseDoc() { OnDocumentor(); }