// DesignDocument.cpp : implementation file // #include "stdafx.h" #include "kbeditors.h" #include "KBEditorsDoc.h" #include "DesignDocument.h" #include "General.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif class CConcept; class CProperty; class CKBEditorsDoc; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDesignDocument dialog CDesignDocument::CDesignDocument(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(CDesignDocument::IDD, pParent) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CDesignDocument) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here //}}AFX_DATA_INIT } void CDesignDocument::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CDesignDocument) DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_DesignView, m_DesignView); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CDesignDocument, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CDesignDocument) ON_BN_CLICKED(ID_GenerateONtoDesign, OnGenerateONtoDesign) ON_BN_CLICKED(ID_GenerateRelation, OnGenerateRelation) ON_BN_CLICKED(ID_GenerateInference, OnGenerateInference) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDesignDocument message handlers BOOL CDesignDocument::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); CenterWindow(GetDesktopWindow()); CString str; AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd->GetWindowText(str); str.Replace(".kb",".htm"); DocName = str; SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT1, str); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE } void CDesignDocument::SeeDoc(CKBEditorsDoc*Doc) { pDoc = Doc; } CString CDesignDocument::GetInputRole(CString str,CString InRole) { int x=str.Find("@"); CString strConc; CString Out; while(x>=0) { int pos=x+1; CString strCpt; CString strProp; while(str[pos] !='.') { strCpt = strCpt + str[pos++]; } pos++; while(pos < str.GetLength() && str[pos] != '=' && str[pos] !='>' && str[pos] !='<' && str[pos] !='+' &&str[pos] !='-' && str[pos] !='&' && str[pos] !='|' &&str[pos] !='*' &&str[pos] !='/' && str[pos] !=')' && str[pos] !='!' ) { strProp = strProp + str[pos++]; } strConc = "@"+strCpt + "."+ strProp; CString strCptProp=strCpt + "."+ strProp+"\n"; str.Replace(strConc,strCptProp); if (Out.Find(strCptProp)==-1 && InRole.Find(strCptProp)==-1) Out = Out +strCptProp+"
"; x=str.Find("@"); if (x==0)break; } return Out; } CString CDesignDocument::GetOutputRole(CString str,CString OutRole) { int x=str.Find("@"); CString strConc; CString Out; while(x>=0) { int pos=x+1; CString strCpt; CString strProp; while(str[pos] !='.') { strCpt = strCpt + str[pos++]; } pos++; while(pos < str.GetLength() && str[pos] != '=' && str[pos] != ' ' ) { strProp = strProp + str[pos++]; } strConc = "@"+strCpt + "."+ strProp; int y = str.Find(";"); str.Delete(0,y+1); str.TrimRight();str.TrimLeft(); CString strCptProp = strCpt+"."+strProp; if (Out.Find(strCptProp)==-1 && OutRole.Find(strCptProp)==-1) Out = Out + strCptProp+"
"; x=str.Find("@"); if (x==-1)break; } return Out; } void CDesignDocument::OnGenerateDesign() { CString str; // AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd->GetWindowText(str); // str.Replace(".kb",".htm"); // DocName = str; /* CFileDialog cfdlg(FALSE,"*.html","*.html",OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT,"HTML Files (*.html)"); cfdlg.DoModal(); CString str = cfdlg.GetPathName(); */ CStdioFile OutFile(DocName,CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite ); // Ontology str = "Domain Knowledge


"; OutFile.WriteString(str); CConcept * Cpt = new CConcept; CProperty * Prop = new CProperty; POSITION pos = pDoc->m_CptList.GetStartPosition(); while (pos !=NULL) { pDoc->m_CptList.GetNextAssoc(pos,str,Cpt); str = "

"+str+" " +Cpt->NameA+"

"; OutFile.WriteString(str); str = ""; OutFile.WriteString(str); POSITION pos1 = Cpt->m_PropList.GetStartPosition(); while (pos1 !=NULL) { CString str1; CString PV; Cpt->m_PropList.GetNextAssoc(pos1,str1,Prop); if (Prop->Type == "real" || Prop->Type == "integer") { PV.Format("Between %.0f And %.0f ",Prop->LL ,Prop->UL); }else { POSITION pos11 =Prop->m_LegalValueList.GetStartPosition(); int First=0; while (pos11 !=NULL) { CString st,st1; Prop->m_LegalValueList.GetNextAssoc(pos11,st,st1); if (First == 0) PV = st; else PV = PV+", "+st; First = 1; } } CString SV; POSITION Spos = Prop->m_SearchOrderList.GetHeadPosition(); while (Spos !=NULL) { SV = SV +Prop->m_SearchOrderList.GetAt(Spos) +" "; Prop->m_SearchOrderList.GetNext(Spos); } PV = PV+"."; SV = SV+"."; CString str2,str3,str4,str5,str6,strRws; int Rws =5; if (Prop->Type.IsEmpty()) Rws--; else str2=""; if (Prop->PromptA.IsEmpty()) Rws--; else str3= ""; if (Prop->Default.IsEmpty()) Rws--; else str4= ""; if (PV.GetLength()<2) Rws--; else str5= ""; if (SV.GetLength()<2) Rws--; else str6= ""; strRws.Format("%d",Rws); str1= ""; str1 = str1+str2+str3+str4+str5+str6+""; OutFile.WriteString(str1); } str = "
" +Prop->NameL+"
" +Prop->NameA+"
"; OutFile.WriteString(str); } // Rules pos = pDoc->m_ClusterList.GetStartPosition(); str = "


"; OutFile.WriteString(str); while (pos !=NULL) { pDoc->m_ClusterList.GetNextAssoc(pos,str,pDoc->Cluster); str = "


"; OutFile.WriteString(str); str = ""; OutFile.WriteString(str); POSITION pos1 = pDoc->Cluster->RuleList.GetStartPosition(); while (pos1 !=NULL) { CString str1; pDoc->Cluster->RuleList.GetNextAssoc(pos1,str1,pDoc->Rule); str1= ""; OutFile.WriteString(str1); } str = "
"; OutFile.WriteString(str); } //Inference pos = pDoc->m_InferenceList.GetStartPosition(); str = "

Inference Steps

"; OutFile.WriteString(str); while (pos !=NULL) { //StaticRoleList CInference * inf; CString StaticRole; pDoc->m_InferenceList.GetNextAssoc(pos,str,inf); str = "


"; OutFile.WriteString(str); str = ""; OutFile.WriteString(str); POSITION pos1 = inf->StaticRoleList.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos1 !=NULL) { CString str1; str1 = inf->StaticRoleList.GetAt(pos1); pDoc->m_ClusterList.Lookup(str1,pDoc->Cluster); StaticRole = StaticRole + str1 + "
"; POSITION pos2 = pDoc->Cluster->RuleList.GetStartPosition(); CString InputRole; CString OutputRole; while (pos2 !=NULL) { pDoc->Cluster->RuleList.GetNextAssoc(pos2,str1,pDoc->Rule); InputRole =InputRole+ GetInputRole(pDoc->Rule->GetCondition(),InputRole); OutputRole = OutputRole+GetOutputRole(pDoc->Rule->GetAction(),OutputRole); } str1= ""+ ""; OutFile.WriteString(str1); inf->StaticRoleList.GetNext(pos1); // OutFile.WriteString(str); } str = "
Dynamic Input Role"+InputRole+"
Dynamic Output Role"+OutputRole+"
Static Role"+StaticRole+"
"; OutFile.WriteString(str); } OutFile.WriteString(""); OutFile.Close(); // CAboutDlg aboutDlg; // aboutDlg.FName = DocName; //"D:\\KBEditors\\index.htm"; // aboutDlg.DoModal(); //ShellExecute(GetSafeHwnd(),"open",DocName,NULL,NULL,SW_SHOW); } void CDesignDocument::OnGenerateONtoDesign() { CString str; GetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT1, str); CStdioFile OutFile(str,CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite ); // Ontology str = "Ontology"; OutFile.WriteString(str); CConcept * Cpt ; CProperty * Prop ; POSITION pos = pDoc->m_CptList.GetStartPosition(); while (pos !=NULL) { pDoc->m_CptList.GetNextAssoc(pos,str,Cpt); str = "

"+str+" " +Cpt->NameA+"

"; OutFile.WriteString(str); str = ""; OutFile.WriteString(str); POSITION pos1 = Cpt->m_PropList.GetStartPosition(); while (pos1 !=NULL) { CString str1; CString PV; Cpt->m_PropList.GetNextAssoc(pos1,str1,Prop); if (Prop->Type == "real" || Prop->Type == "integer") { PV.Format("Between %.0f And %.0f ",Prop->LL ,Prop->UL); }else { if(Prop->NameL != "disorder_name"){ POSITION pos11 =Prop->m_LegalValueList.GetStartPosition(); int First=0; while (pos11 !=NULL) { CString st,st1; Prop->m_LegalValueList.GetNextAssoc(pos11,st,st1); if (First == 0) PV = "
"; else PV = PV + "" ; First = 1; } if(First) PV = PV+"
"+ st +""+ st1+"
"+ st +""+ st1+"
"; } } CString SV; POSITION Spos = Prop->m_SearchOrderList.GetHeadPosition(); while (Spos !=NULL) { SV = SV +Prop->m_SearchOrderList.GetAt(Spos) +" "; Prop->m_SearchOrderList.GetNext(Spos); } SV = SV+"."; CString str2,str3,str4,str5,str6,strRws; int Rws =5; if (Prop->Type.IsEmpty()) Rws--; else str2="Type"+Prop->Type+""; if (Prop->PromptA.IsEmpty()) Rws--; else str3= "Prompt"+Prop->PromptA+""; if (Prop->Default.IsEmpty()) Rws--; else str4= "Default"+Prop->Default+""; // if (PV.GetLength()<2) // Rws--; // else str5= "PV"+PV+""; if (SV.GetLength()<2) Rws--; else str6= "SV"+SV+""; strRws.Format("%d",Rws); str1= " " +Prop->NameL+"
" +Prop->NameA+""; str1 = str1+str2+str3+str4+str5+str6+""; OutFile.WriteString(str1); } str = ""; OutFile.WriteString(str); } OutFile.WriteString(""); OutFile.Close(); AfxMessageBox("Ontology generated successfuly"); GetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT1, str); m_DesignView.Navigate(str,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); // CAboutDlg aboutDlg; // aboutDlg.FName = DocName; //"D:\\KBEditors\\index.htm"; // aboutDlg.DoModal(); // ShellExecute(GetSafeHwnd(),"open",DocName,NULL,NULL,SW_SHOW); } void CDesignDocument::OnGenerateRelation() { CString str; GetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT1, str); CStdioFile OutFile(str,CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite ); str = "Relations"; OutFile.WriteString(str); POSITION pos = pDoc->m_ClusterList.GetStartPosition(); str = "


"; OutFile.WriteString(str); while (pos !=NULL) { pDoc->m_ClusterList.GetNextAssoc(pos,str,pDoc->Cluster); str = "


"; OutFile.WriteString(str); str = ""; OutFile.WriteString(str); POSITION pos1 = pDoc->Cluster->RuleList.GetStartPosition(); while (pos1 !=NULL) { CString str1; pDoc->Cluster->RuleList.GetNextAssoc(pos1,str1,pDoc->Rule); str1= ""; OutFile.WriteString(str1); } str = "
"; OutFile.WriteString(str); } OutFile.WriteString(""); OutFile.Close(); AfxMessageBox("Relation generated successfuly"); GetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT1, str); m_DesignView.Navigate(str,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); } void CDesignDocument::OnGenerateInference() { CString str; GetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT1, str); CStdioFile OutFile(str,CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite ); str = "Relations"; OutFile.WriteString(str); POSITION pos = pDoc->m_InferenceList.GetStartPosition(); str = "

Inference Steps

"; OutFile.WriteString(str); while (pos !=NULL) { //StaticRoleList CInference * inf; CString StaticRole; pDoc->m_InferenceList.GetNextAssoc(pos,str,inf); str = "


"; OutFile.WriteString(str); str = ""; OutFile.WriteString(str); POSITION pos1 = inf->StaticRoleList.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos1 !=NULL) { CString str1; str1 = inf->StaticRoleList.GetAt(pos1); pDoc->m_ClusterList.Lookup(str1,pDoc->Cluster); StaticRole = StaticRole + str1 + "
"; POSITION pos2 = pDoc->Cluster->RuleList.GetStartPosition(); CString InputRole; CString OutputRole; while (pos2 !=NULL) { pDoc->Cluster->RuleList.GetNextAssoc(pos2,str1,pDoc->Rule); InputRole =InputRole+ GetInputRole(pDoc->Rule->GetCondition(),InputRole); OutputRole = OutputRole+GetOutputRole(pDoc->Rule->GetAction(),OutputRole); } str1= ""+ ""; OutFile.WriteString(str1); inf->StaticRoleList.GetNext(pos1); // OutFile.WriteString(str); } str = "
Dynamic Input Role"+InputRole+"
Dynamic Output Role"+OutputRole+"
Static Role"+StaticRole+"
"; OutFile.WriteString(str); } OutFile.WriteString(""); OutFile.Close(); AfxMessageBox("Infernce generated successfuly"); GetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT1, str); m_DesignView.Navigate(str,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); }