Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS7-90 | immediately |
Row Number | |||
1 | ? | = GS7-45 | soil application |
2 | ? | = GS80-90 | Foliage |
3 | ~=Black | = GS45-80 | Foliage |
4 | = Black | = GS45-80 | Foliage |
Row Number | |||
1 | = GS7-90 | ~=Super Phosphate 37% | Di_amm Phosphate |
2 | = GS7-90 | = Super Phosphate 37% | Triple_super phosphate |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Foliage | 20 G / L |
Row Number | |||
1 | ? | = GS7-45 | 15 - 20 kg / Fed |
2 | ? | = GS80-90 | 300 - 400 L / fed |
3 | ~=Black | = GS45-80 | 300 - 400 L / fed |
4 | = Black | = GS45-80 | 300 L / fed |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS90-150 | no tratment |
Row Number | |||
1 | = GS45-80 | = Black | early booting |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Black | = GS45-80 | Foliage |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = Black | = GS45-80 | ~=Super Phosphate 37% | Di_amm Phosphate |
2 | = Black | = GS45-80 | = Super Phosphate 37% | Triple_super phosphate |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Foliage | 20 G / L |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Black | = GS45-80 | 400 L / Fed |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-90 | immediately |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-90 | Potassium Sulphate 48% |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-90 | Foliage |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS90-150 | no treatment |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-90 | 20 G / L |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-80 | 300 L / Fed |
2 | = GS80-90 | 300 -- 400 L / Fed |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-80 | early booting |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-80 | 20 G / L |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-80 | Foliage |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-80 | Potassium Sulphate 48% |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-80 | 400 L / Fed |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |||
1 | = GS7-45 | ? | immediatly |
2 | = GS80-90 | ? | immediatly |
3 | = GS45-80 | ~=Black | immediatly |
4 | = GS60-80 | = Black | immediatly |
5 | = GS45-60 | = Black | begining of extension |
Row Number | ||||
1 | ~=Black | = GS7-45 | = Ammonuim Nitrate | amm nitrate |
2 | ~=Black | = GS7-45 | = Ammonuim Sulphate | amm sulfate |
3 | ~=Black | = GS7-45 | = Ammonuim Nitrate | amm nitrate |
4 | = Black | = GS7-45 | = Ammonuim Nitrate | amm nitrate |
5 | ~=Black | = GS80-90 | = Ammonuim Nitrate | amm nitrate |
6 | ~=Black | = GS80-90 | = Ammonuim Sulphate | amm sulfate |
7 | ~=Black | = GS80-90 | = Ammonuim Nitrate | amm nitrate |
8 | ~=Black | = GS45-80 | = Ammonuim Nitrate | amm nitrate |
9 | = Black | = GS80-90 | = Ammonuim Nitrate | amm nitrate |
10 | = Black | = GS80-90 | = Ammonuim Sulphate | amm sulfate |
11 | = Black | = GS80-90 | = Ammonuim Nitrate | amm nitrate |
12 | = Black | = GS60-80 | = Ammonuim Nitrate | amm nitrate |
13 | = Black | = GS60-80 | = Urea | urea |
14 | = Black | = GS60-80 | = Ammonuim Nitrate | amm nitrate |
15 | = Black | = GS45-60 | = Ammonuim Nitrate | amm nitrate |
16 | = Black | = GS45-60 | = Urea | urea |
17 | = Black | = GS45-60 | = Ammonuim Sulphate | amm sulfate |
Row Number | |||
1 | ? | = GS7-45 | soil application |
2 | ? | = GS80-90 | foliage |
3 | ~=Black | = GS45-80 | soil application |
4 | = Black | = GS60-80 | soil application |
5 | = Black | = GS45-60 | soil application |
Row Number | |||
1 | ? | = GS7-45 | 50 kg N / Fed |
2 | ? | = GS80-90 | 300 -- 400 L / Fed |
3 | ~=Black | = GS45-80 | 20 -- 40 kg / Fed |
4 | = Black | = GS60-80 | 20 -- 30 kg N / Fed |
5 | = Black | = GS45-60 | 20 kg N /Fed |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS90-150 | no treatment |
Row Number | |||
1 | = foliage | = Ammonuim Nitrate | 20 G / L |
2 | = foliage | = Ammonuim Sulphate | 25 G / L |
Row Number | |||
1 | ~=Black | = GS7-45 | begining of booting |
2 | = Black | = GS7-45 | early booting |
3 | = Black | = GS45-80 | end of extension |
Row Number | ||||
1 | ~=Black | = GS7-45 | = Ammonuim Nitrate | amm nitrate |
2 | ~=Black | = GS7-45 | = Ammonuim Sulphate | amm sulphate |
3 | = Black | = GS7-45 | = Ammonuim Sulphate | amm sulphate |
4 | = Black | = GS7-45 | = Ammonuim Nitrate | amm nitrate |
5 | = Black | = GS45-80 | = Ammonuim Nitrate | amm nitrate |
6 | = Black | = GS45-80 | = Urea | urea |
7 | = Black | = GS45-80 | = Ammonuim Sulphate | amm sulphate |
Row Number | |
1 | soil application |
Row Number | |||
1 | ? | = GS7-45 | 70 kg N / Fed |
2 | = Black | = GS45-80 | 20 kg N /Fed |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | immediatly |
Row Number | |
1 | Foliage |
Row Number | |
1 | 3 g / L |
Row Number | |
1 | Mg sulfate |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS21-45 | 300 L / Fed |
2 | = GS80-90 | 300 -- 400 L / Fed |
3 | = GS45-80 | 150 L / Fed |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS90-150 | no treatment |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS21-45 | begining of booting |
2 | = GS45-80 | early booting |
Row Number | |
1 | Foliage |
Row Number | |
1 | 3 g / L |
Row Number | |
1 | Mg sulfate |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS21-45 | 400 L / Fed |
2 | = GS45-80 | 200 L / Fed |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | Malathion 57% E.C |
Row Number | |
1 | 1.25 Lt/400 Lt of water/one feddan |
Row Number | |
1 | 1- It is very important to discover the infestation as early as possible. 2- As aphids infestation starts in small patches, it is economic and effective to spray these spots only. (spot-spraying). 3- Stop chemical spraying after headding stage to prevent the mechanical damage of plants. 4- Spraying must be made after dew evaporation. 5- Insecticide must reach to the lower parts of plants to kill the hidden insects.# من المهم أكتشاف الأصابة مبكرا ا- من الناحيه الاقتصاديه يجب رش البقع المصابه فقط ب- يجب اقاف الرش بعد مرحلة الطرد ت- يجب رش الجزء السفلى من النبات لقتل الحشرة |
Row Number | |
1 | 1- Clean fields from grasses. 2- Cultivation of resistant varaieties.# ا- نظافة الحقل من الحشائش ب- زراعة الاصناف المقاومه ت- الزراعه مبكرا فى نوفمبر |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | Although there is no direct treatment apllicable, you have to treat Aphids since they are the cause#'النبات يعانى من مرض التقزم الاصفر الفيروسى الشعيرى. لايوجد طريقة مباشرة للعلاج ولكن يجب مقاومة حشرة المن أولاحيث أنها هى المسبب للمرض |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | Use Poisoned bait, consists of 1 Lt of Azodrin 40% E.C Or 1.25 Lt of Hostathion 40% E.C Or 1.25 Lt of Tamaron 60% Sc. mixed with 15-25 Kg crused wetted corn or wheat bran and 30 cm cotton oil can be used as poisoned per feddan.#(الطعم الواقى) ويتكون من:- أزودرين 40% (1 لتر) او هوستاثين 04 % ( 1ز25 لتر) او تامرون 06% (1ز25 لتر( يخلط مع 15-25 كجم \ره مجروشه او قمح و 03 سم زيت قطن ويستخدم كطعم للفدان |
Row Number | |
1 | 1-The bait should be thrown two days after life watering irrigation. 2-The bait should be thrown before sunset. 3-The bait should be thrown on canals, borders and roads. #يرش بعد الرى ويرش قبل شروق الشمس |
Row Number | |
1 | No much of nitrogen in fertilization.#عدم الزيادة في تسميد النيتروجين |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | THE PRESENCE OF THIS DISEASE HAS NEVER BEEN REPORTED IN EYGPT#الاصابه بهذا المرض لم تسجل من قبل فى مصر |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | THE PRESENCE OF THIS DISEASE HAS NEVER BEEN REPORTED IN EYGPT. #الاصابه بهذا المرض لم تسجل من قبل فى مصر |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | 1- Use of resistant varaties. 2- Crop rotation. 3- Systematic fungicide seed treatment using Benomyl and Carboxin. 4- Since the disease is not present in Egypt, no specific recommendations for chemical treatment have been made. #1- استخدو اصناف مقاومة 2-استخدم الدورة الزراعية 3-يتم معالجة البذور قبل الزراعة ببينوميل و كاربوكسين |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | As the damage is not yet economic, it does not require any chemical application.#النبات مصاب بصانعات الأنفاق ولكن الأصابة مازالت تحت الحد الأقتصادى ولذا لا يتطلب علاج كيميائيا |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | As the infestation occurs after heading whereas there is no importance for the leaves, it does not need any chemical treatment. But in the strong cases it can be used larvin 80 % (1.5 kg/ F).#النبات مصاب بالتربس وعموما الأصابة تحدث بعد طرد السنابل حيث لاأهمية للأوراق لذلك لا نحتاج لمعالجات كيميائية و لكن فى الحالات الشديدة الأصابة أستجدم لارفين 80% (5و1 كجم لكل فدان). |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | This diseases does not require any treatment and will not harm the crop.#هذا المرض لا يتطلب علاج و لا يؤثر على المحصول |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | This disease does not require any treatment and will not harm the crop.#المرض لاا يتطلب علاج ولم يؤثر على المحصول |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | This disease could be resisted if the following is carried out: 1-Usage of good irrigation systems. 2-Improving drainage and rotating wheat wih non cereal crops. 3-Avoiding the use of soil or seeds infested with host debris.#يمكن مقاومة هذا المرض اذا تم تنفيذ الاتى: 1-استخدام نظام رى جيد 2-تحسين نظام الصرف 3-استخدام دورة زراعية 4-استخدام اصناف معتمدة |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | Since the disease is not present in Egypt, no specific recommendations for chemical treatment have been made. #هذا المرض لم يسجل فى مصر من قبل |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | You can apply Bayleton using 1gm/L (water) OR Bayfedan using 1cc/L (water) Using 200 liters of water per feddan.#يستخدم حاليا المبيد الموصى بة وهو سومى إيت 5 إى سى بمعدل 35سم/100 لتر ماء ويتم الرش مرة واحدة وفى حالة الاصابة الشديدة يمكن ان تعاد عملية الرش مرة ثانية بفاصل اسبوعين . طريقة التطبيق : فى حالة استخدام موتور الظهر العادى (20لتر) يستخدم 200 لتر ماء للفدان ويستلزم ذلك استخدام 70 سم مبيد / للفدان فى حالة استخدام موتور الضغط المركزى يستخدم حوالى 300-350 لتر ماء وهذا يستلزم استخدام من 105-122.5 سم /للفدان فى حالة استحدام الرش بالطائرات عادة يستخدم 10 لتر ماء /للفدان مع المحافظة على تركيز المبيد (70 سم مبيد / للفدان ) |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | can be used the recommended fungicide Sumi_eight 5 EC at the rate 35 cc/100 L water . For severe infection can be used two times of application with 2 weeks intervales Spray application 1. In case of using back motor (20L), 200L water/feddan is enough , that meen 70 cc fnngicide / feddan 2. In case of using central preasur motore 300-350/L water /feddan , that means 105-122.5 cc fungicide /feddan 3. In case of using air applying 10L water can be used and 70 cc fungicide /feddan #يستخدم حاليا المبيد الموصى بة وهو سومى إيت 5 إى سى بمعدل 35سم/100 لتر ماء ويتم الرش مرة واحدة وفى حالة الاصابة الشديدة يمكن ان تعاد عملية الرش مرة ثانية بفاصل اسبوعين . طريقة التطبيق : فى حالة استخدام موتور الظهر العادى (20لتر) يستخدم 200 لتر ماء للفدان ويستلزم ذلك استخدام 70 سم مبيد للفدان فى حالة استخدام موتور الضغط المركزى يستخدم حوالى 300-350 لتر ماء وهذا يستلزم استخدام من 105-122.5 سم للفدان فى حالة استحدام الرش بالطائرات عادة يستخدم 10 لتر ماء للفدان مع المحافظة على تركيز المبيد (70 سم مبيد للفدان ) |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | can be used the recommended fungicide Sumi_eight 5 EC at the rate 35 cc/100 L water . For severe infection can be used two times of application with 2 weeks intervales Spray application 1. In case of using back motor (20L), 200L water/feddan is enough , that meen 70 cc fnngicide / feddan 2. In case of using central preasur motore 300-350/L water /feddan , that means 105-122.5 cc fungicide /feddan 3. In case of using air applying 10L water can be used and 70 cc fungicide /feddan #المقاومة الكيماوية لأمراض الصداء يستخدم حاليا المبيد الموصى بة وهو سومى إيت 5 إى سى بمعدل 35سم/100 لتر ماء ويتم الرش مرة واحدة وفى حالة الاصابة الشديدة يمكن ان تعاد عملية الرش مرة ثانية بفاصل اسبوعين . طريقة التطبيق : فى حالة استخدام موتور الظهر العادى (20لتر) يستخدم 200 لتر ماء للفدان ويستلزم ذلك استخدام 70 سم مبيد للفدان فى حالة استخدام موتور الضغط المركزى يستخدم حوالى 300-350 لتر ماء وهذا يستلزم استخدام من 105-122.5 سم للفدان فى حالة استحدام الرش بالطائرات عادة يستخدم 10 لتر ماء للفدان مع المحافظة على تركيز المبيد (70 سم مبيد للفدان ) |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | There is no specific treatment for this disease. However, if you can pull out the plants that seem to have the disease, do so. #هذه حالة تعفن جذرى .لايوجد طريقة علاج مباشرة لهذا المرض ولكن إذا أمكن التعرف على النباتات المصابة يفضل أن تنزع و تحرق |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | This disease is seed born, so chemical treatment should be applied to the seeds before plantation. If you are going to plant wheat again, make sure you either buy certified treated seeds of treat seeds yourself before planting. To treat seeds apply the following chemical fungicide 1. Sumi -eight WP 2 g /1 kg seeds 2. Sumi -eight 5 EC 1 CC/1 KG seeds 3. Sumi -eight 2 FL 2 CC/1 KG seeds For good distribution of the fungicide and covering all seeds all seeds should be added 10 cc water for each 1 g or 1 cc fungicide before mixing with seeds #النبات مصاب بالتفحم السائب نتيجة استخدام تقاوى ملوثة ولذا فأنه يجب أستخدام صنف مقاوم أو معالجة التقاوى قبل الزراعة كيميائيا كما يأتى:- اولا سومى ايت قابل للبل بتركيز جرامان لكل كيلو جرام من البذور ثانيا سومى ايت سائل بتركيز سنتيمير واحد لكل كيلو جرام من البذور ثالثا سومى ايت مستحلب بيركيز سنتيمتران لكل كيلو جرام من البذور ولضمان جودة توزيع المبيد وتغطية كل الحبوب يجب إضافة10 سم ماء لكل 1 جم مبيد أو 1سم من المبيد قبل عملية الخلط مع البذرة |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | THE PRESENCE OF THIS DISEASE HAS NEVER BEEN REPORTED IN EYGPT. Growing Resistant or tolerant varieties. #هذا المرض لم يسجل فى مصر من قبل و لتلافى الاصابة يجب استخدام تقاوى معتمدة |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | can be used the recommended fungicide Sumi_eight 5 EC at the rate 35 cc/100 L water . For severe infection can be used two times of application with 2 weeks intervales Spray application 1. In case of using back motor (20L), 200L water/feddan is enough , that meen 70 cc fnngicide / feddan 2. In case of using central preasur motore 300-350/L water /feddan , that means 105-122.5 cc fungicide /feddan 3. In case of using air applying 10L water can be used and 70 cc fungicide /feddan #المقاومة الكيماوية لأمراض الصداء يستخدم حاليا المبيد الموصى بة وهو سومى إيت 5 إى سى بمعدل 35سم/100 لتر ماء ويتم الرش مرة واحدة وفى حالة الاصابة الشديدة يمكن ان تعاد عملية الرش مرة ثانية بفاصل اسبوعين . طريقة التطبيق : فى حالة استخدام موتور الظهر العادى (20لتر) يستخدم 200 لتر ماء للفدان ويستلزم ذلك استخدام 70 سم مبيد للفدان فى حالة استخدام موتور الضغط المركزى يستخدم حوالى 300-350 لتر ماء وهذا يستلزم استخدام من 105-122.5 سم للفدان فى حالة استحدام الرش بالطائرات عادة يستخدم 10 لتر ماء للفدان مع المحافظة على تركيز المبيد (70 سم مبيد للفدان ) |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | THE PRESECE OF THIS DISEASE HAS NEVER BEEN REPORTED IN EYGPT.#الأ صابه به\ا المرض لم تسجل نهائيا من قبل فى مصر |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-90 | immediately#الأن |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-90 | Foliage#رش |
Row Number | |||
1 | = GS45-90 | = Chelate | Mn chelate#منجنيز مخلبى |
2 | = GS45-90 | = Suphate | Mn sulfate#كبريتات المنجنيز |
Row Number | |||
1 | = GS45-90 | = Chelate | 0.5 g / l #0.5 جرام للتر |
2 | = GS45-90 | = Suphate | 3 g / l#3 جرام للتر |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS80-90 | 300 -- 400 L / Fed #300 -- 400 لتر للفدان |
2 | = GS45-80 | 150 L / Fed#150 لتر للفدان |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS90-150 | No treatment # لا يوجد علاج |
2 | = GS0-45 | No treatment # لا يوجد علاج |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-80 | early booting#بداية مرحلة الحبلان |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-80 | Foliage#رش |
Row Number | |||
1 | = GS45-80 | = Chelate | Mn chelate#منجنيز مخلبى |
2 | = GS45-80 | = Suphate | Mn sulfate#كبريتات المنجنيز |
Row Number | |||
1 | = GS45-80 | = Chelate | 0.5 g / l #0.5 جرام للتر |
2 | = GS45-80 | = Suphate | 3 g / l#3 جرام للتر |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-80 | 200 L / Fed#200 لتر للفدان |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-90 | Foliage#رش |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-90 | Cu sulfate#كبريتات النحاس |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-90 | 0.3 g / l#0.3 جرام للتر |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS80-90 | 300 -- 400 L / Fed #300 -- 400 لتر للفدان |
2 | = GS45-80 | 150 L / Fed#150 لتر للفدان |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS90-150 | No treatment # لا يوجد علاج |
2 | = GS0-45 | No treatment # لا يوجد علاج |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-90 | immediately#الأن |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-80 | early booting#بداية مرحلة الحبلان |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-80 | Foliage#رش |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-80 | Cu sulfate#كبريتات النحاس |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-80 | 0.3 g / l#0.3 جرام للتر |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-80 | 200 L / Fed#200 لتر للفدان |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-90 | immediatly#الأن |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-90 | Foliage#رش |
Row Number | |||
1 | = GS45-90 | = Chelate | Fe chelate#حديد مخلبى |
2 | = GS45-90 | = Suphate | Fe sulfate#كبريتات الحديد |
Row Number | |||
1 | = GS45-90 | = Chelate | 0.5 g / l#0.5 جرام للتر |
2 | = GS45-90 | = Suphate | 3 g / l#3 جرام للتر |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-80 | 150 L / Fed#150 لتر للفدان |
2 | = GS80-90 | 300 -- 400 L / Fed #300 -- 400 لتر للفدان |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS90-150 | No treatment # لا يوجد علاج |
2 | = GS0-45 | No treatment # لا يوجد علاج |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-80 | early booting#بداية مرحلة الحبلان |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-80 | Foliage#رش |
Row Number | |||
1 | = GS45-80 | = Chelate | Fe chelate#حديد مخلبى |
2 | = GS45-80 | = Suphate | Fe sulfate#كبريتات الحديد |
Row Number | |||
1 | = GS45-80 | = Chelate | 0.5 g / l #0.5 جرام للتر |
2 | = GS45-80 | = Suphate | 3 g / l#3 جرام للتر |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-80 | 200 L / Fed#200 لتر للفدان |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-90 | immediatly#الأن |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-90 | Foliage#رش |
Row Number | |||
1 | = GS45-90 | = Chelate | Zn chelate#زنك مخلبى |
2 | = GS45-90 | = Suphate | Zn sulfate#كبريتات الزنك |
Row Number | |||
1 | = GS45-90 | = Chelate | 0.5 g / l |
2 | = GS45-90 | = Suphate | 3 g / l |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS0-45 | No treatment # لا يوجد علاج |
2 | = GS90-150 | No treatment # لا يوجد علاج |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-80 | 150 L / Fed#150 لتر للفدان |
2 | = GS80-90 | 300 -- 400 L / Fed #300 -- 400 لتر للفدان |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-80 | early booting#بداية مرحلة الحبلان |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-80 | Foliage#رش |
Row Number | |||
1 | = GS45-80 | = Chelate | Zn chelate#زنك مخلبى |
2 | = GS45-80 | = Suphate | Zn sulfate#كبريتات الزنك |
Row Number | |||
1 | = GS45-80 | = Chelate | 0.5 g / l#0.5 جرام للتر |
2 | = GS45-80 | = Suphate | 3 g / l#3 جرام للتر |
Row Number | ||
1 | = GS45-80 | 200 L / Fed#200 لتر للفدان |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | There is no chemical treatment#لا يوجد علاج كيميائى |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | There is no chemical treatment#لا يوجد علاج كيميائى |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | Since the insect has one generation and many natural enimies as well as not economic damage, there is no recomended chemical treatment. For protection in the following season: 1- using the rigid and massive-stemmed and earlier varieties. 2- Removing the grasses. 3-Good and deep plawing for killing insect by sun, birds and machine. 4- Burning stubbles to kill overwintered larvae.#النبات مصاب بدبور الحنطة المنشارى و لا نوصى بالعلاج الكيميائى لانه غير اقتصادى فى هذه الحالة و للوقاية من الأصابة فى الموسم القادم نراعى الأتى:- -1أستخدم أصناف لها خاصية الساق الصلبة 2- إزالة الحشائش 3- الحرث الجيد والعميق لقتل الحشرات.' |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | No treatment#لا يوجد علاج |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | No treatment #لا يوجد علاج |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | No treatment#لا يوجد علاج |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | Repellent materials.#Repellent materials |
Row Number | |
1 | 1-Wheat fields should be collected in adjacent areas and planted in one timing. 2-Nests of birds must be destroyed. 3-Birds trap can be used. 4-Disturbing tools can be used.# 1- حقول القمح تجمع فى مساحات متقاربة و تزرع فى وقت واحد 2-هدم أعشاش العصافير 3-إستخدام مصائد العصافير |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | There is no chemical treatment, where the insect has one generation with many natrual enimies.#النبات مصاب بالنفاسيا و لكن مازالت الأصابة بهذهالحشرة ضعيفة . |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | Poisoned bait, consists of 1/2 kg of phosphide zinc, 1 Lt of Azodrin 40% E.C (1 Lt) ,1.25 Hostathion 40% E.C or Tamaron 60% Sc. (1.25 Lt) mixed with 15-25 Kg crused wetted corn or wheat, and 30 cm cotton oil can be used as poisoned per feddan.#(الطعم الواقى)ويتكون من:- أزودرين 40% (1 لتر) او هوستاثين 04 % ( 1ز25 لتر) او تامرون 06% (1ز25 لتر( يخلط مع 15-25 كجم \ره مجروشه او قمح و 03 سم زيت قطن ويستخدم كطعم للفدان |
Row Number | |
1 | The bait should be thrown two days after life watering irrigation.#يرش بعد الرى بيومين ويرش قبل شروق الشمس |
Row Number | |
1 | It should be thrown on canals, borders and roads.#يوضع الطعم فى القنوات و على حدود الحقل و وفى الطرق وسط الحقل |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | THE PRESENCE OF THIS DISEASE HAS NEVER BEEN REPORTED IN EYGPT. Usage of Resistant or tolerant varieties and cleaning the wheat fields from grassy hosts, are the main factors for controlling the disease.#ليس هناك وجود لهذا المرض فى مصر سابقا وللوقايه استخدام اصناف مقاومه و تنظيف القل من الجشائش |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | Use Poisoned bait, consists of 1 Lt of Azodrin 40% E.C Or 1.25 Lt of Hostathion 40% E.C Or 1.25 Lt of Tamaron 60% Sc. mixed with 15-25 Kg crused wetted corn or wheat bran and 30 cm cotton oil can be used as poisoned per feddan.#(الطعم الواقى) ويتكون من:- أزودرين 40% (1 لتر) او هوستاثين 04 % ( 1ز25 لتر) او تامرون 06% (1ز25 لتر( يخلط مع 15-25 كجم \ره مجروشه او قمح و 03 سم زيت قطن ويستخدم كطعم للفدان |
Row Number | |
1 | 1-The bait should be thrown two days after life watering irrigation. 2-The bait should be thrown before sunset. 3-The bait should be thrown on canals, borders and roads. #يرش بعد الرى ويرش قبل شروق الشمس |
Row Number | |
1 | No much of nitrogen in fertilization.#عدم الزيادة في تسميد النيتروجين |
Row Number | |
1 | Perfect |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Beni Sweif 1 | ? | 18 |
2 | = Beni Sweif 3 | ? | 18 |
3 | = Gemmiza 5 | ~=major | 18 |
4 | = Gemmiza 7 | ~=major | 18 |
5 | = Gemmiza 9 | ~=major | 20 |
6 | = Giza 164 | ~=major | 16 |
7 | = Giza 165 | ~=major | 16 |
8 | = Giza168 | ~=major | 18 |
9 | = Sahel 1 | ~=major | 1 |
10 | = Sakha 61 | ~=major | 14 |
11 | = Sakha 69 | ~=major | 16 |
12 | = Sakha 69 | = major | 6 |
13 | = Sakha 8 | ~=major | 16 |
14 | = Sakha 8 | = major | 8 |
15 | = Sakha 93 | ~=major | 18 |
16 | = Sakha 93 | = major | 7 |
17 | = Sids 1 | ~=major | 16 |
18 | = Sids 1 | = major | 8 |
19 | = Sids 6 | ~=major | 16 |
20 | = Sids 7 | ~=major | 16 |
21 | = Sohag 2 | ? | 18 |
22 | = Sohag 3 | ? | 18 |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Beni Sweif 1 | ? | 20 |
2 | = Beni Sweif 3 | ? | 20 |
3 | = Gemmiza 5 | ~=major | 20 |
4 | = Gemmiza 7 | ~=major | 22 |
5 | = Gemmiza 9 | ~=major | 24 |
6 | = Giza 164 | ~=major | 20 |
7 | = Giza 165 | ~=major | 20 |
8 | = Giza168 | ~=major | 24 |
9 | = Sahel 1 | ~=major | 2 |
10 | = Sakha 61 | ~=major | 18 |
11 | = Sakha 69 | ~=major | 20 |
12 | = Sakha 69 | = major | 8 |
13 | = Sakha 8 | ~=major | 20 |
14 | = Sakha 8 | = major | 10 |
15 | = Sakha 93 | ~=major | 20 |
16 | = Sakha 93 | = major | 10 |
17 | = Sids 1 | ~=major | 20 |
18 | = Sids 1 | = major | 10 |
19 | = Sids 6 | ~=major | 20 |
20 | = Sids 7 | ~=major | 20 |
21 | = Sohag 2 | ? | 20 |
22 | = Sohag 3 | ? | 20 |
Row Number | |||
1 | ? | ? | 130 |
2 | = Sakha 69 | ~=major | 150 |
3 | = Sakha 69 | = major | 145 |
4 | = Sakha 8 | ~=major | 150 |
5 | = Sakha 8 | = major | 145 |
6 | = Sakha 61 | ~=major | 140 |
7 | = Sakha 93 | ~=major | 155 |
8 | = Sakha 93 | = major | 150 |
9 | = Giza168 | ~=major | 155 |
10 | = Gemmiza 5 | ~=major | 160 |
11 | = Gemmiza 7 | ~=major | 160 |
12 | = Gemmiza 9 | ~=major | 165 |
13 | = Sakha 69 | ~=major | 150 |
14 | = Sakha 69 | = major | 145 |
15 | = Sakha 8 | ~=major | 150 |
16 | = Sakha 8 | = major | 145 |
17 | = Sakha 61 | ~=major | 140 |
18 | = Sakha 93 | ~=major | 155 |
19 | = Sakha 93 | = major | 150 |
20 | = Giza168 | ~=major | 155 |
21 | = Gemmiza 5 | ~=major | 160 |
22 | = Gemmiza 7 | ~=major | 160 |
23 | = Gemmiza 9 | ~=major | 165 |
24 | = Sakha 69 | ~=major | 150 |
25 | = Sakha 69 | = major | 145 |
26 | = Sakha 8 | = major | 145 |
27 | = Gemmiza 5 | ~=major | 160 |
28 | = Gemmiza 7 | ~=major | 160 |
29 | = Gemmiza 9 | ~=major | 165 |
30 | = Sakha 69 | ~=major | 150 |
31 | = Sakha 69 | = major | 145 |
32 | = Gemmiza 5 | ~=major | 160 |
33 | = Giza168 | ~=major | 160 |
34 | = Sakha 8 | = major | 145 |
35 | = Sakha 69 | ? | 140 |
36 | = Sakha 8 | ? | 140 |
37 | = Gemmiza 5 | ~=major | 140 |
38 | = Gemmiza 7 | ~=major | 140 |
39 | = Sakha 8 | ~=major | 150 |
40 | = Sakha 8 | = major | 145 |
41 | = Sakha 69 | ~=major | 150 |
42 | = Sakha 69 | = major | 145 |
43 | = Sids 1 | ~=major | 150 |
44 | = Sids 1 | = major | 145 |
45 | = Gemmiza 5 | ~=major | 160 |
46 | = Gemmiza 7 | ~=major | 150 |
47 | = Sakha 8 | = major | 145 |
48 | = Sakha 69 | ~=major | 150 |
49 | = Sakha 69 | = major | 145 |
50 | = Giza 164 | ~=major | 150 |
51 | = Sids 1 | ~=major | 150 |
52 | = Beni Sweif 1 | ? | 155 |
53 | = Beni Sweif 3 | ? | 155 |
54 | = Sids 1 | ~=major | 145 |
55 | = Sids 1 | = major | 140 |
56 | = Sids 6 | ~=major | 145 |
57 | = Sids 7 | ~=major | 145 |
58 | = Giza 164 | ~=major | 145 |
59 | = Giza 164 | = major | 140 |
60 | = Giza 165 | ~=major | 145 |
61 | = Giza 165 | = major | 140 |
62 | = Sohag 2 | ? | 150 |
63 | = Sohag 3 | ? | 150 |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Sohag 2 | ? | 155 |
2 | = Sakha 69 | = major | 145 |
3 | = Sakha 69 | ~=major | 155 |
4 | = Sakha 8 | = major | 150 |
5 | = Sakha 8 | ~=major | 155 |
6 | = Sakha 61 | = major | 145 |
7 | = Sakha 61 | ~=major | 150 |
8 | = Sakha 93 | = major | 155 |
9 | = Sakha 93 | ~=major | 160 |
10 | = Giza168 | = major | 155 |
11 | = Giza168 | ~=major | 160 |
12 | = Gemmiza 5 | = major | 160 |
13 | = Gemmiza 5 | ~=major | 165 |
14 | = Gemmiza 7 | = major | 160 |
15 | = Gemmiza 7 | ~=major | 165 |
16 | = Gemmiza 9 | = major | 165 |
17 | = Gemmiza 9 | ~=major | 170 |
18 | = Sids 1 | = major | 150 |
19 | = Sids 1 | ~=major | 155 |
20 | = Giza 164 | = major | 145 |
21 | = Giza 164 | ~=major | 155 |
22 | = Giza 165 | = major | 145 |
23 | = Giza 165 | ~=major | 150 |
24 | = Beni Sweif 1 | ? | 160 |
25 | = Beni Sweif 3 | ? | 160 |
26 | = Sids 6 | = major | 145 |
27 | = Sids 6 | ~=major | 150 |
28 | = Sids 7 | = major | 145 |
29 | = Sids 7 | ~=major | 150 |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
2 | ~=Yes | Roleout |
Row Number | |
1 | Harvest using combine |
Row Number | |
1 | Age LL |
Row Number | |
1 | Age UL |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | combineCost+(LaborCost/5) |
Row Number | |||
1 | ~=Yes | ~=Yes | Perfect |
2 | = Yes | = Yes | Roleout |
3 | = Yes | ~=Yes | Roleout |
4 | ~=Yes | = Yes | Roleout |
Row Number | |
1 | Harvest by hand |
Row Number | |
1 | Age LL |
Row Number | |
1 | Age UL |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | 8*LaborCost |
Row Number | |
1 | Threshing Machine |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | ThreshMachCost+(5*LaborCost/3) |
Row Number | |
1 | Age UL+1 |
Row Number | |
1 | Age LL+1 |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Perfect |
2 | ~=Yes | Roleout |
Row Number | |
1 | Harvest by tractor mounted with mower |
Row Number | |
1 | Age LL |
Row Number | |
1 | Age UL |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | ThreshMachCost+((7*LaborCost/3) )+Tractor Cost |
Row Number | |
1 | Threshing Machine |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | ThreshMachCost+((5*LaborCost/3) ) |
Row Number | |
1 | Age LL+1 |
Row Number | |
1 | Age UL+1 |
Row Number | |
1 | Perfect |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Sandy | No |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Sandy | No |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Sandy | Dry |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Wet | Broadcast |
Row Number | |||||||||
1 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Yes | = Good | ? | ? | ~=Wet | ? | ~=No | -8 |
2 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Yes | = Good | ? | ? | = Wet | ? | ~=No | -15 |
3 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = No | ? | = Yes | ? | ~=Wet | = No | ~=No | -8 |
4 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = No | ? | = Yes | ? | = Wet | = No | ~=No | -15 |
5 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = No | ? | = No | = major | ~=Wet | ? | ~=No | -8 |
6 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = No | ? | = No | = major | = Wet | ? | ~=No | -15 |
Row Number | ||||||||
1 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Yes | = Good | ? | ? | ? | ~=No | Subsoiler |
2 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = No | ? | = Yes | ? | = No | ~=No | Subsoiler |
3 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = No | ? | = No | = major | ? | ~=No | Subsoiler |
Row Number | ||||||||
1 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Yes | = Good | ? | ? | ? | ~=No | Plowing depth should be 50 cm# عند استخدام محراث بسلاح واحد يتم البدء من ريشة المصرف إلى رأس الحقل إما عند استخدام محراث بسلاحين يكن الحرث باتجاه واحد بدء من ذيل الحقل _جهة المصرف_ إلى بداية الحقل _مروى_ و يكن عمق الحرث خمسين سم |
2 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = No | ? | = Yes | ? | = No | ~=No | Plowing depth should be 50 cm. This operation done every three years.# عند استخدام محراث بسلاح واحد يتم البدء من ريشة المصرف إلى رأس الحقل إما عند استخدام محراث بسلاحين يكن الحرث باتجاه واحد بدء من ذيل الحقل _جهة المصرف_ إلى بداية الحقل _مروى_ و يكن عمق الحرث خمسين سم. بتم تنفيذ هذه العمليه مره كل 3 سنوات |
3 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = No | ? | = No | = major | ? | ~=No | Plowing depth should be 50 cm# عند استخدام محراث بسلاح واحد يتم البدء من ريشة المصرف إلى رأس الحقل إما عند استخدام محراث بسلاحين يكن الحرث باتجاه واحد بدء من ذيل الحقل _جهة المصرف_ إلى بداية الحقل _مروى_ و يكن عمق الحرث خمسين سم |
Row Number | |||||||||
1 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Yes | = Good | ? | ? | ? | ~=No | round(Subsoiler cost/2) |
2 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | ? | ? | = Yes | ? | = No | ~=No | round(Subsoiler cost/2) |
3 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | ? | ? | = No | = major | ? | ~=No | round(Subsoiler cost/2) |
Row Number | ||||
1 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Wet | ~=No | -15 |
Row Number | ||||
1 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Wet | ~=No | Chisel plow |
Row Number | |||||
1 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Sandy/calc-mixed | = Wet | ~=No | Plow once and the plowing depth should not be more than 15 cm# أحرث مرة واحدة على ألا يزيد عمق الحرث عن خمسة عشر سم |
2 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Black | = Wet | ~=No | Plow twice perpendicularly and the plowing depth should not be more than 15 cm# أحرث مرتين متعامدتين على ألا يزيد عمق الحرث عن خمسة عشر سم |
3 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Calcarious | ? | ~=No | Plow twice perpendicularly and the plowing depth should not be more than 15 cm# أحرث مرتين متعامدتين على ألا يزيد عمق الحرث عن خمسة عشر سم |
Row Number | ||||||
1 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Wet | ~=No | = Sandy/calc-mixed | Chisel plow cost*1.25 |
2 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Wet | ~=No | = Black | Chisel plow cost*1.25*2 |
3 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Wet | ~=No | = Calcarious | Chisel plow cost*1.25*2 |
Row Number | |||||||
1 | ~=Rain Fed Area | ~=Sandy | ~=Direct planting tool | ? | ~=No | ~=Wet | -7 |
2 | ~=Rain Fed Area | ~=Sandy | ? | ? | ~=No | = Wet | 0 |
3 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Sandy | ~=Direct planting tool | ~=No | ? | ~=Wet | -7 |
Row Number | ||||||
1 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Sandy | ~=Direct planting tool | ? | ~=No | Disk plow |
2 | ~=Rain Fed Area | ? | ~=Direct planting tool | ~=No | ? | Chisel plow |
Row Number | |||||||
1 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Sandy | ~=Direct planting tool | ? | ~=No | = Disk plow | Plow once and the plowing depth should not be more than 20 cm# أحرث مرة واحدة على ألا يزيد عمق الحرث عن عشرين سم |
2 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Sandy | ~=Direct planting tool | ~=No | ? | = Chisel plow | Plow once and the plowing depth should not be more than 15 cm.# أحرث مرة واحدة على ألا يزيد عمق الحرث عن خمسة عشر سم |
3 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Sandy/calc-mixed | ~=Direct planting tool | ~=No | ? | = Chisel plow | Plow once and the plowing depth should not be more than 15 cm# أحرث مرة واحدة على ألا يزيد عمق الحرث عن خمسة عشر سم |
4 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Black | ~=Direct planting tool | ~=No | ? | = Chisel plow | Plow twice perpendicularly and the plowing depth should not be more than 15 cm# أحرث مرتين متعامدتين على ألا يزيد عمق الحرث عن خمسة عشر سم |
5 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Calcarious | ~=Direct planting tool | ~=No | ? | = Chisel plow | Plow twice perpendicularly and the plowing depth should not be more than 15 cm# أحرث مرتين متعامدتين على ألا يزيد عمق الحرث عن خمسة عشر سم |
Row Number | ||||||||
1 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Sandy | ~=Direct planting tool | ? | ~=No | = Disk plow | Disk plow cost*1.5 |
2 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Sandy | ~=Direct planting tool | ~=No | ? | = Chisel plow | Chisel plow cost*1.25 |
3 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Sandy/calc-mixed | ~=Direct planting tool | ~=No | ? | = Chisel plow | Chisel plow cost*1.25 |
4 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Black | ~=Direct planting tool | ~=No | ? | = Chisel plow | Chisel plow cost*1.25*2 |
5 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Calcarious | ~=Direct planting tool | ~=No | ? | = Chisel plow | Chisel plow cost*1.25*2 |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | = Dry | -7 |
2 | = Yes | = Wet | -15 |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | = Yes | weeds collector |
2 | = Yes | ~=Yes | manual |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | = Yes | You must collect all weeds after each run outside field boarder# يتم تجميع الحشائش بنهاية كل مشوار خارج الحقل |
2 | = Yes | ~=Yes | You must collect all weeds and burn it outside field boarder# يتم تجميع الحشائش يدوي و تحرق خارج الحقل |
Row Number | |||||
1 | = Yes | = Yes | = Yes | = Yes | Weeds collector cost |
2 | = Yes | = Yes | = Yes | ~=Yes | Weeds collector cost / 2 |
3 | = Yes | = Yes | ~=Yes | ? | LaborCost * 2 |
Row Number | ||||||||
1 | ~=Sandy | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Drill | ? | ? | ~=No | ? | -7 |
2 | ~=Sandy | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Drill | ? | ~=No | ? | ? | -7 |
3 | ~=Sandy | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Broadcast | = Yes | ? | ~=No | = Dry | -7 |
4 | ~=Sandy | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Broadcast | = Yes | ~=No | ? | = Dry | -7 |
5 | ~=Sandy | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Broadcast | = Yes | ? | ~=No | = Wet | 0 |
6 | ~=Sandy | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Broadcast | = Yes | ~=No | ? | = Wet | 0 |
Row Number | |||||||
1 | ~=Sandy | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Drill | ? | ~=No | ? | Rotary tiller |
2 | ~=Sandy | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Drill | ? | ? | ~=No | Disk haorrow |
3 | ~=Sandy | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Broadcast | = Yes | ~=No | ? | Rotary tiller |
4 | ~=Sandy | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Broadcast | = Yes | ? | ~=No | Disk haorrow |
Row Number | |||||||||
1 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | ~=Sandy | = Drill | ? | ? | ~=No | = Rotary tiller | Rotary tiller cost*1 |
2 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | ~=Sandy | = Drill | ? | ~=No | ? | = Disk haorrow | Disk haorrow cost*1 |
3 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | ~=Sandy | = Broadcast | = Yes | ? | ~=No | = Rotary tiller | Rotary tiller cost |
4 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | ~=Sandy | = Broadcast | = Yes | ~=No | ? | = Disk haorrow | Disk haorrow cost*1 |
Row Number | |||||||
1 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Dry | = Flood | ~=Yes | ? | ~=No | -7 |
2 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Dry | = Flood | ~=Yes | ~=No | ? | -7 |
Row Number | |||||||
1 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Dry | = Flood | ~=Yes | ? | ~=No | Laser |
2 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Dry | = Flood | ~=Yes | ~=No | ? | Field leveler |
Row Number | ||||||||
1 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Dry | = Flood | ~=Yes | ? | ~=No | = Laser | Level the soil using laser once every three years# تجرى عملية التسوية بالليزر مرة كل ثلاث سنوات |
2 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Dry | = Flood | ~=Yes | ~=No | ? | = Field leveler | Level the soil twice perpendicularly # تجرى عملية التسوية وجهبن متعامدين مع تثبيت ارتفاع سلاح القطع للقصابية |
Row Number | |||||||||
1 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Dry | = Flood | ~=Yes | ? | ~=No | = Laser | Laser cost*2 |
2 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Dry | = Flood | ~=Yes | ~=No | ? | = Field leveler | Field leveler cost*3 |
Row Number | |||||
1 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Yes | = Yes | = Dry | -7 |
2 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Yes | = Yes | = Wet | 0 |
Row Number | ||||
1 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Yes | = Yes | Stonepicker |
Row Number | ||||
1 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Yes | = Yes | All picked stone must be dumped outside the field# 3. يتم تفريغ الاحجار و تشوينها خارج الحقل او تحميلها مباشره بالمقطوره |
Row Number | |||||
1 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Yes | = Yes | Stonepicker cost*2 |
Row Number | ||||
1 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Flood | ~=Sandy | 0 |
Row Number | |||||||||
1 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Flood | = Dry | ~=Sandy | = Yes | ? | ? | ? | Yes |
2 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Flood | = Dry | ~=Sandy | ~=Yes | ~=No | ? | = Laser | Yes |
3 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Flood | = Dry | ~=Sandy | ~=Yes | ? | ~=No | = Field leveler | No |
4 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Flood | = Dry | ~=Sandy | ~=Yes | = No | ? | ? | No |
5 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Flood | ~=Dry | ~=Sandy | ? | ? | ? | ? | No |
Row Number | ||||||
1 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Flood | ~=Sandy | = Yes | ? | Harvest using combine |
2 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Flood | ~=Sandy | ? | = Yes | Harvest by tractor mounted with mower |
3 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Flood | ~=Sandy | ~=Yes | ~=Yes | Harvest by hand |
Row Number | ||||||||
1 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Black | = Flood | ~=major | ~=Harvest using combine | = Yes | ? | Divide your land into basins with the dimensions is 9 (or multiplicity of 3) m X 75 to 125 m approximately.# تقسم الأرض لأحواض بالأبعاد 9 م او مضاعفات 3 × 75 الى 125 م تقريبا |
2 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Black | = Flood | ~=major | = Harvest using combine | = Yes | ? | Divide your land into basins with the dimensions is 12 (or multiplicity of 6) m X 75 to 125 m approximately.# تقسم الأرض لأحواض بالأبعاد 12 م او مضاعفات 6 × 75 الى 125 م تقريبا |
3 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Black | = Flood | ~=major | ~=Harvest using combine | = No | = No | Divide your land into basins with the dimensions is 6 m X 20 m approximately.# تقسم الأرض لأحواض بالأبعاد 6 م × 20 م تقريبا |
4 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Black | = Flood | ~=major | = Harvest using combine | = No | = No | Divide your land into basins with the dimensions is 6 m X 75 m approximately.# تقسم الأرض لأحواض بالأبعاد 6 م × 75 م تقريبا |
5 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Calcarious | = Flood | ~=major | ~=Harvest using combine | = Yes | ? | Divide your land into basins with the dimensions is 9 (or multiplicity of 3) m X 75 to 125 m approximately.# تقسم الأرض لأحواض بالأبعاد 9 م او مضاعفات 3 × 75 الى 125 م تقريبا |
6 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Calcarious | = Flood | ~=major | = Harvest using combine | = Yes | ? | Divide your land into basins with the dimensions is 12 (or multiplicity of 6) m X 75 to 125 m approximately.# تقسم الأرض لأحواض بالأبعاد 12 م او مضاعفات 6 × 75 الى 125 م تقريبا |
7 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Calcarious | = Flood | ~=major | ~=Harvest using combine | = No | = No | Divide your land into basins with the dimensions is 6 m X 20 m approximately.# تقسم الأرض لأحواض بالأبعاد 6 م × 20 م تقريبا |
8 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Calcarious | = Flood | ~=major | = Harvest using combine | = No | = No | Divide your land into basins with the dimensions is 6 m X 75 m approximately.# تقسم الأرض لأحواض بالأبعاد 6 م × 75 م تقريبا |
9 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Sandy/calc-mixed | = Flood | ~=major | ~=Harvest using combine | = No | = No | Divide your land into basins with the dimensions is 9 m X 20 m approximately.# تقسم الأرض لأحواض بالأبعاد 9 م × 20 م تقريبا |
10 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Sandy/calc-mixed | = Flood | ~=major | = Harvest using combine | = No | = No | Divide your land into basins with the dimensions is 6 m X 50 m approximately.# تقسم الأرض لأحواض بالأبعاد 6 م × 50 م تقريبا |
11 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Sandy/calc-mixed | = Flood | ~=major | ~=Harvest using combine | = Yes | ? | Divide your land into basins with the dimensions is 9 m X 50 m approximately# تقسم الأرض لأحواض بالأبعاد 9 م × 50 م تقريبا |
12 | ~=Rain Fed Area | = Sandy/calc-mixed | = Flood | ~=major | = Harvest using combine | = Yes | ? | Divide your land into basins with the dimensions is 12 m X 50 m approximately.# تقسم الأرض لأحواض بالأبعاد 12 م × 50 م تقريبا |
13 | ~=Rain Fed Area | ~=Sandy | = Flood | ~=major | ? | = No | = Yes | Divide your land into basin according to the land leveling# تقسم الأرض لأحواض حسب مستوياتها |
14 | ~=Rain Fed Area | ~=Sandy | = Flood | = major | ? | ? | ? | Divide your land into basins with the dimensions is 3 m X 6 m approximately.# تقسم الأرض لأحواض بالأبعاد 3 م × 6 م تقريبا |
Row Number | ||||||||
1 | ~=Rain Fed Area | ~=Sandy | = Flood | = No | = No | ~=No | ? | Ditcher |
2 | ~=Rain Fed Area | ~=Sandy | = Flood | = No | = No | ? | ~=No | Ridger |
3 | ~=Rain Fed Area | ~=Sandy | = Flood | ? | ? | = No | = No | Laborer |
4 | ~=Rain Fed Area | ~=Sandy | = Flood | = No | = Yes | ? | ? | Laborer |
5 | ~=Rain Fed Area | ~=Sandy | = Flood | = Yes | ? | ~=No | ? | Ditcher |
6 | ~=Rain Fed Area | ~=Sandy | = Flood | = Yes | ? | ? | ~=No | Ridger |
Row Number | ||||||||||
1 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | ~=Sandy | = Flood | ~=major | ? | = No | = Yes | = Laborer | LaborCost*3/4 |
2 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | ~=Sandy | = Flood | = major | ? | ? | ? | = Laborer | LaborCost*1 |
3 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | ~=Sandy | = Flood | = major | ? | ? | ? | = Ridger | Redger cost*1 |
4 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | ~=Sandy | = Flood | = major | ? | ? | ? | = Ditcher | Ditcher cost |
5 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | ~=Sandy | = Flood | ~=major | ~=Harvest using combine | = No | = No | = Laborer | LaborCost*3/4 |
6 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | ~=Sandy | = Flood | ~=major | ~=Harvest using combine | = No | = No | = Ridger | Redger cost*3/4 |
7 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | ~=Sandy | = Flood | ~=major | ~=Harvest using combine | = No | = No | = Ditcher | Ditcher cost*3/4 |
8 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | ~=Sandy | = Flood | ~=major | ? | = Yes | ? | = Laborer | LaborCost/2 |
9 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | ~=Sandy | = Flood | ~=major | ? | = Yes | ? | = Ridger | Redger cost*1/2 |
10 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | ~=Sandy | = Flood | ~=major | ? | = Yes | ? | = Ditcher | Ditcher cost*1/2 |
11 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | ~=Sandy | = Flood | ~=major | = Harvest using combine | = No | = No | = Laborer | LaborCost/2 |
12 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | ~=Sandy | = Flood | ~=major | = Harvest using combine | = No | = No | = Ridger | Redger cost*1/2 |
13 | = Yes | ~=Rain Fed Area | ~=Sandy | = Flood | ~=major | = Harvest using combine | = No | = No | = Ditcher | Ditcher cost*1/2 |
Row Number | |
1 | Perfect |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = Yes | = Yes | ~=Black | ((((Yield_QTY*150)/1000)*29.5*2)-K_Analysis) |
2 | = Yes | ~=Yes | ~=Black | 24 |
Row Number | |||
1 | ~=Black | = Yes | ((100*K_Base)/48) |
Row Number | |||
1 | ~=Black | = Yes | Potassium Sulphate 48% K2O#سلفات البوتاسيوم 48% بو2أ |
Row Number | ||
1 | ~=Black | Broadcast |
Row Number | ||
1 | ~=Black | 22 |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = Yes | ~=Black | = Yes | (((K_price/50)*K_Qty)+(LaborCost/3)) |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | = Rain Fed Area | 10 |
Row Number | ||||||
1 | = Yes | = Rain Fed Area | = Yes | ? | ? | Ammonuim Sulphate |
2 | = Yes | = Rain Fed Area | = No | = Yes | ? | Ammonuim Nitrate |
3 | = Yes | = Rain Fed Area | ~=Yes | ~=Yes | = Ammonuim Sulphate | Ammonuim Sulphate |
4 | = Yes | = Rain Fed Area | ~=Yes | ~=Yes | = Ammonuim Nitrate | Ammonuim Nitrate |
5 | = Yes | = Rain Fed Area | ~=Yes | ~=Yes | = unknown | Ammonuim Sulphate |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | = Rain Fed Area | Broadcasting then covering |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | = Rain Fed Area | Cover the seeds and the fertilizer after broadcasting the seeds |
Row Number | |||||
1 | = Yes | = Yes | = Rain Fed Area | = Ammonuim Nitrate | ((10*N_Nitrate_Price)+(LaborCost/3)) |
2 | = Yes | = Yes | = Rain Fed Area | = Ammonuim Sulphate | ((10*N_Sulphate_Price)+(LaborCost/3)) |
3 | = Yes | = Yes | = Rain Fed Area | = unknown | ((10*N_Sulphate_Price)+(LaborCost/3)) |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | = Rain Fed Area | Better to application afternoon. |
Row Number | |||||
1 | = Yes | = Black | ~=Yes | = Rice | 22.5 |
2 | = Yes | = Black | ~=Yes | = Corn | 15 |
3 | = Yes | = Black | ~=Yes | = Cotton | 15 |
4 | = Yes | = Black | ~=Yes | = Sorghum maize | 15 |
5 | = Yes | = Black | ~=Yes | = Legumes | 0 |
6 | = Yes | = Black | ~=Yes | = Vegetables | 0 |
7 | = Yes | = Sandy | ~=Yes | ? | 30 |
8 | = Yes | = Calcarious | ~=Yes | ? | 22.5 |
9 | = Yes | = Sandy/calc-mixed | ~=Yes | ? | 22.5 |
10 | = Yes | ? | = Yes | ? | ((((Yield_QTY*150)/1000)*12.5*2)-Ph_Analysis) |
11 | = Yes | = Black | ~=Yes | = unknown | 22.5 |
12 | = Yes | = unknown | ~=Yes | ? | 30 |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = Yes | ~=0 | = Super Phosphate 15% | Super Phosphate 15% |
2 | = Yes | ~=0 | = Super Phosphate 37% | Super phosphate 37% |
3 | = Yes | ~=0 | ? | Super phosphate 37% |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = Yes | ~=0 | ~=Super phosphate 37% | 1 |
2 | = Yes | ~=0 | = Super phosphate 37% | 2 |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = Yes | ~=0 | = Super Phosphate 15% | ((100*Ph_Base)/15) |
2 | = Yes | ~=0 | = Super phosphate 37% | ((100*Ph_Base)/37) |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | ~=0 | Broadcast |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = Yes | ~=0 | ~=Wet | (-1*(1+Tillage DateN)) |
2 | = Yes | ~=0 | = Wet | (-1*(1+Tillage DateN)) |
Row Number | |||||
1 | = Yes | = Yes | ~=0 | = 1.00 | (((Ph15_Price/50)*Ph_Qty)+(LaborCost/3)) |
2 | = Yes | = Yes | ~=0 | = 2.00 | (((Ph37_Price/50)*Ph_Qty)+(LaborCost/3)) |
Row Number | |
1 | Perfect |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | Yes |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | = Black | 12.5 |
2 | = Yes | ~=Black | 25 |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | = Yes | Ferment organic manure#سماد عضوى متخمر |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | = Yes | BroadCast#نثر |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = Yes | ~=Wet | = Yes | -1-Tillage DateN |
2 | = Yes | = Wet | = Yes | (-1*(1+Tillage wet dateN)) |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = Yes | = Yes | = Yes | ((OM_Price*OM_Qty)+(1.5*LaborCost)) |
Row Number | |
1 | Perfect |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | No |
Row Number | ||||||
1 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Black | = Legumes | = Yes | (60-(OM_Qty/2)) |
2 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Black | = Legumes | = No | 60 |
3 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Sandy | ? | = Yes | (85-(OM_Qty/2)) |
4 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Sandy | ? | = No | 85 |
5 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Calcarious | ? | = Yes | (75-(OM_Qty/2)) |
6 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Calcarious | ? | = No | 75 |
7 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Sandy/calc-mixed | ? | = Yes | (75-(OM_Qty/2)) |
8 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Sandy/calc-mixed | ? | = No | 75 |
9 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Black | = Corn | = Yes | (75-(OM_Qty/2)) |
10 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Black | = Corn | = No | 75 |
11 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Black | = Cotton | = Yes | (75-(OM_Qty/2)) |
12 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Black | = Cotton | = No | 75 |
13 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Black | = Rice | = Yes | (75-(OM_Qty/2)) |
14 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Black | = Rice | = No | 75 |
15 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Black | = Sorghum maize | = Yes | (75-(OM_Qty/2)) |
16 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Black | = Sorghum maize | = No | 75 |
17 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Sandy | ? | = Yes | (100-(OM_Qty/2)) |
18 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Sandy | ? | = No | 100 |
19 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Sandy | ? | = Yes | (100-(OM_Qty/2)) |
20 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Sandy | ? | = No | 100 |
21 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Sandy | ? | = Yes | (100-(OM_Qty/2)) |
22 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Sandy | ? | = No | 100 |
23 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Calcarious | ? | = Yes | (90-(OM_Qty/2)) |
24 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Calcarious | ? | = No | 90 |
25 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Calcarious | ? | = Yes | (90-(OM_Qty/2)) |
26 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Calcarious | ? | = No | 90 |
27 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Calcarious | ? | = Yes | (90-(OM_Qty/2)) |
28 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Calcarious | ? | = No | 90 |
29 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Sandy/calc-mixed | ? | = Yes | (90-(OM_Qty/2)) |
30 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Sandy/calc-mixed | ? | = No | 90 |
31 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Sandy/calc-mixed | ? | = Yes | (90-(OM_Qty/2)) |
32 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Sandy/calc-mixed | ? | = No | 90 |
33 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Sandy/calc-mixed | ? | = Yes | (90-(OM_Qty/2)) |
34 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Sandy/calc-mixed | ? | = No | 90 |
35 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Black | = Vegetables | = Yes | ((75/2)-(OM_Qty/2)) |
36 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Black | = Vegetables | = No | 37.5 |
37 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Sandy | ? | = Yes | (75-(OM_Qty/2)) |
38 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Sandy | ? | = No | 75 |
39 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Calcarious | ? | = Yes | ((135/2)-(OM_Qty/2)) |
40 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Calcarious | ? | = No | 67.5 |
41 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Sandy/calc-mixed | ? | = Yes | ((135/2)-(OM_Qty/2)) |
42 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Sandy/calc-mixed | ? | = No | 67.5 |
43 | = Yes | = Yes | ? | ? | ? | ((((Yield_QTY*150)/1000)*28.3*2)-N_Analysis) |
44 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Black | = unknown | = No | (75-(OM_Qty/2)) |
45 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Black | = unknown | = Yes | 75 |
46 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Calcarious | ? | = No | (90-(OM_Qty/2)) |
47 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Calcarious | ? | = Yes | 90 |
48 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Sandy | ? | = No | (100-(OM_Qty/2)) |
49 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Sandy | ? | = Yes | 100 |
50 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Sandy/calc-mixed | ? | = No | (90-(OM_Qty/2)) |
51 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = Sandy/calc-mixed | ? | = Yes | 90 |
52 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = unknown | ? | = No | (90-(OM_Qty/2)) |
53 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = unknown | ? | = Yes | 90 |
Row Number | |||
1 | ~=Sprinkler | = Yes | Perfect |
2 | = Sprinkler | = Yes | Roleout |
3 | ? | = No | Roleout |
Row Number | |||||
1 | ? | ? | ? | = Yes | 2 |
2 | = Black | ~=Legumes | ~=Vegetables | ~=Yes | 3 |
3 | ~=Black | ? | ? | ~=Yes | 3 |
4 | = Black | = Legumes | ? | ~=Yes | 2 |
5 | = Black | = Vegetables | ? | ~=Yes | 2 |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Black | = Urea | Urea |
2 | = Black | = Ammonuim Sulphate | Ammonuim Sulphate |
3 | = Black | = Ammonuim Nitrate | Ammonuim Nitrate |
4 | ~=Black | = Ammonuim Sulphate | Ammonuim Sulphate |
5 | ~=Black | = Ammonuim Nitrate | Ammonuim Nitrate |
Row Number | |
1 | Broadcast#نثر |
Row Number | |
1 | Before irrigation immediately.#قبل الرى مباشرة |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Ammonuim Nitrate | 1 |
2 | = Ammonuim Sulphate | 2 |
3 | = Urea | 3 |
4 | ? | 3 |
Row Number | ||
1 | = 2.00 | Apply the first does before the second irrigation immediately, Apply the second does before third irrigation immediately. #الدفعة الاولى قبل الرية الثانية مباشرة و الدفعة الثانية قبل الرية الثالثة مباشرة. |
2 | = 3.00 | Apply the first does before planting irrigation immediately, Apply the second does before second irrigation immediately, Apply the third does before third irrigation immediately.# الدفعة الاولى قبل رية الزراعة مباشرة و الدفعة الثانية قبل الرية الثانية مباشرة و الدفعة الثالثة قبل الرية الثالثة مباشرة. |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = 2.00 | = Black | = 1.00 | 100*N_Base_Qty/2/20.6 |
2 | = 2.00 | = Black | = 2.00 | ((100*(N_Base_Qty/2))/46) |
3 | = 2.00 | = Black | = 3.00 | ((100*(N_Base_Qty/2))/33.5) |
4 | = 2.00 | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((100*(N_Base_Qty/2))/20.6) |
5 | = 2.00 | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((100*(N_Base_Qty/5))/33.5) |
6 | = 3.00 | = Black | = 1.00 | ((100*(N_Base_Qty/5))/20.6) |
7 | = 3.00 | = Black | = 2.00 | ((100*(N_Base_Qty/5))/46) |
8 | = 3.00 | = Black | = 3.00 | ((100*(N_Base_Qty/5))/33.5) |
9 | = 3.00 | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((100*(N_Base_Qty/5))/20.6) |
10 | = 3.00 | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((100*(N_Base_Qty/5))/20.6) |
Row Number | |||
1 | = 2.00 | ? | Flood2ndIrrnDate |
2 | = 3.00 | ~=Wet | Flood1stIrrnDate |
3 | = 3.00 | = Wet | Flood1stIrrnDate |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = Yes | = Black | = 1.00 | (((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty1)+(LaborCost/3)) |
2 | = Yes | = Black | = 2.00 | (((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty1)+(LaborCost/3)) |
3 | = Yes | = Black | = 3.00 | (((N_Urea_Price/50)*NQty1)+(LaborCost/3)) |
4 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 1.00 | (((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty1)+(LaborCost/3)) |
5 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 2.00 | (((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty1)+(LaborCost/3)) |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = 2.00 | = Black | = 1.00 | ((100*(N_Base_Qty/2))/33.5) |
2 | = 2.00 | = Black | = 2.00 | ((100*(N_Base_Qty/2))/20.6) |
3 | = 2.00 | = Black | = 3.00 | ((100*(N_Base_Qty/2))/46) |
4 | = 2.00 | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((100*(N_Base_Qty/2))/33.5) |
5 | = 2.00 | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((100*(N_Base_Qty/2))/20.6) |
6 | = 3.00 | = Black | = 1.00 | ((200*(N_Base_Qty/5))/33.5) |
7 | = 3.00 | = Black | = 2.00 | ((200*(N_Base_Qty/5))/20.6) |
8 | = 3.00 | = Black | = 3.00 | ((200*(N_Base_Qty/5))/46) |
9 | = 3.00 | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((200*(N_Base_Qty/5))/33.5) |
10 | = 3.00 | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((200*(N_Base_Qty/5))/20.6) |
Row Number | ||
1 | = 2.00 | Flood3rdIrrnDate |
2 | = 3.00 | Flood2ndIrrnDate |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = Yes | = Black | = 1.00 | (((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty2)+(LaborCost/3)) |
2 | = Yes | = Black | = 2.00 | (((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty2)+(LaborCost/3)) |
3 | = Yes | = Black | = 3.00 | (((N_Urea_Price/50)*NQty2)+(LaborCost/3)) |
4 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 1.00 | (((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty2)+(LaborCost/3)) |
5 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 2.00 | (((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty2)+(LaborCost/3)) |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = 3.00 | = Black | = 1.00 | ((200*(N_Base_Qty/5))/33.5) |
2 | = 3.00 | = Black | = 2.00 | ((200*(N_Base_Qty/5))/20.6) |
3 | = 3.00 | = Black | = 3.00 | ((200*(N_Base_Qty/5))/46) |
4 | = 3.00 | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((200*(N_Base_Qty/5))/33.5) |
5 | = 3.00 | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((200*(N_Base_Qty/5))/20.6) |
Row Number | ||
1 | = 3.00 | Flood3rdIrrnDate |
Row Number | |||||
1 | = 3.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 1.00 | (((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty3)+(LaborCost/3)) |
2 | = 3.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 2.00 | (((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty3)+(LaborCost/3)) |
3 | = 3.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 3.00 | (((N_Urea_Price/50)*NQty3)+(LaborCost/3)) |
4 | = 3.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 1.00 | (((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty3)+(LaborCost/3)) |
5 | = 3.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 2.00 | (((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty3)+(LaborCost/3)) |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | = 2 | (NCost1+NCost2) |
2 | = Yes | = 3 | (NCost1+NCost2+NCost3) |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Sprinkler | = Yes | Perfect |
2 | ~=Sprinkler | = Yes | Roleout |
3 | ? | = No | Roleout |
Row Number | ||
1 | ~=No | 10 |
2 | ~=Yes | 6 |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Black | = Urea | Urea |
2 | = Black | = Ammonuim Sulphate | Ammonuim Sulphate |
3 | = Black | = Ammonuim Nitrate | Ammonuim Nitrate |
4 | ~=Black | = Ammonuim Sulphate | Ammonuim Sulphate |
5 | ~=Black | = Ammonuim Nitrate | Ammonuim Nitrate |
Row Number | ||
1 | = 10.00 | Use Injection tank.#إستخدم السمادة |
2 | = 6.00 | Broadcast#نثر |
Row Number | |
1 | Time of spraying either early in the morning or afternoon.#يكون وقت التسميد اما فى الصباح الباكر أو بعد الظهر |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Ammonuim Nitrate | 1 |
2 | = Ammonuim Sulphate | 2 |
3 | = Urea | 3 |
Row Number | ||
1 | = 10.00 | Apply first does of nitrogen fertilizer at planting date. The residual dose is applied after 10 - 15 days from planting date, then every two irrigation.#تكون الدفعة الاولى عند رية الزراعة و الدفعات الباقية بدا من 10 الى 15 يوم من تاريخ الزراعة كل ريتان. |
2 | = 6.00 | Apply first does of nitrogen fertilizer at planting date. The residual dose is applied after 10 - 15 days from planting date, then every three irrigation.# تكون الدفعة الاولى عند رية الزراعة و الدفعات الباقية بدا من 10 الى 15 يوم من تاريخ الزراعة كل 3 ريات. |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 1.00 | ((100*(N_Base_Qty/5))/33.5) |
2 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 2.00 | ((100*(N_Base_Qty/5))/20.6) |
3 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 3.00 | ((100*(N_Base_Qty/5))/46) |
4 | = 10.00 | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((100*(N_Base_Qty/5))/33.5) |
5 | = 10.00 | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((100*(N_Base_Qty/5))/20.6) |
6 | = 6.00 | = Black | = 1.00 | ((100*(N_Base_Qty/5))/33.5) |
7 | = 6.00 | = Black | = 2.00 | ((100*(N_Base_Qty/5))/20.6) |
8 | = 6.00 | = Black | = 3.00 | ((100*(N_Base_Qty/5))/46) |
9 | = 6.00 | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((100*(N_Base_Qty/5))/33.5) |
10 | = 6.00 | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((100*(N_Base_Qty/5))/20.6) |
Row Number | |
1 | 0 |
Row Number | |||||
1 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 1.00 | ((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty1) |
2 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 2.00 | ((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty1) |
3 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 3.00 | ((N_Urea_Price/50)*NQty1) |
4 | = 10.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty1) |
5 | = 10.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty1) |
6 | = 6.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 1.00 | (((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty1)+(LaborCost/3)) |
7 | = 6.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 2.00 | (((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty1)+(LaborCost/3)) |
8 | = 6.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 3.00 | (((N_Urea_Price/50)*NQty1)+(LaborCost/3)) |
9 | = 6.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 1.00 | (((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty1)+(LaborCost/3)) |
10 | = 6.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 2.00 | (((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty1)+(LaborCost/3)) |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/33.5) |
2 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/20.6) |
3 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 3.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/46) |
4 | = 10.00 | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/33.5) |
5 | = 10.00 | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/20.6) |
6 | = 6.00 | = Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/5))/33.5) |
7 | = 6.00 | = Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/5))/20.6) |
8 | = 6.00 | = Black | = 3.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/5))/46) |
9 | = 6.00 | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/5))/33.5) |
10 | = 6.00 | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/5))/20.6) |
Row Number | |
1 | DecDate+DecInterval |
Row Number | |||||
1 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 1.00 | ((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty2) |
2 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 2.00 | ((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty2) |
3 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 3.00 | ((N_Urea_Price/50)*NQty2) |
4 | = 10.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty2) |
5 | = 10.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty2) |
6 | = 6.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 1.00 | (((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty2)+(LaborCost/3)) |
7 | = 6.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 2.00 | (((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty2)+(LaborCost/3)) |
8 | = 6.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 3.00 | (((N_Urea_Price/50)*NQty2)+(LaborCost/3)) |
9 | = 6.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 1.00 | (((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty2)+(LaborCost/3)) |
10 | = 6.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 2.00 | (((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty2)+(LaborCost/3)) |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/33.5) |
2 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/20.6) |
3 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 3.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/46) |
4 | = 10.00 | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/33.5) |
5 | = 10.00 | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/20.6) |
6 | = 6.00 | = Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/5))/33.5) |
7 | = 6.00 | = Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/5))/20.6) |
8 | = 6.00 | = Black | = 3.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/5))/46) |
9 | = 6.00 | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/5))/33.5) |
10 | = 6.00 | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/5))/20.6) |
Row Number | ||
1 | = 10.00 | DecDate+(3*DecInterval) |
2 | = 6.00 | DecDate+(4*DecInterval) |
Row Number | |||||
1 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 1.00 | ((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty3) |
2 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 2.00 | ((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty3) |
3 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 3.00 | ((N_Urea_Price/50)*NQty3) |
4 | = 10.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty3) |
5 | = 10.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty3) |
6 | = 6.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 1.00 | (((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty3)+(LaborCost/3)) |
7 | = 6.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 2.00 | (((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty3)+(LaborCost/3)) |
8 | = 6.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 3.00 | (((N_Urea_Price/50)*NQty3)+(LaborCost/3)) |
9 | = 6.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 1.00 | (((N_Nitrate_Price/500)*NQty3)+(LaborCost/3)) |
10 | = 6.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 2.00 | (((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty3)+(LaborCost/3)) |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/33.5) |
2 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/20.6) |
3 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 3.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/46) |
4 | = 10.00 | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/33.5) |
5 | = 10.00 | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/20.6) |
6 | = 6.00 | = Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/5))/33.5) |
7 | = 6.00 | = Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/5))/20.6) |
8 | = 6.00 | = Black | = 3.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/5))/46) |
9 | = 6.00 | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/5))/33.5) |
10 | = 6.00 | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/5))/20.6) |
Row Number | ||
1 | = 10.00 | DecDate+(5*DecInterval) |
2 | = 6.00 | DecDate+(7*DecInterval) |
Row Number | |||||
1 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 1.00 | ((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty4) |
2 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 2.00 | ((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty4) |
3 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 3.00 | ((N_Urea_Price/50)*NQty4) |
4 | = 10.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty4) |
5 | = 10.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty4) |
6 | = 6.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 1.00 | (((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty4)+(LaborCost/3)) |
7 | = 6.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 2.00 | (((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty4)+(LaborCost/3)) |
8 | = 6.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 3.00 | (((N_Urea_Price/50)*NQty4)+(LaborCost/3)) |
9 | = 6.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 1.00 | (((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty4)+(LaborCost/3)) |
10 | = 6.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 2.00 | (((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty4)+(LaborCost/3)) |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/33.5) |
2 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/20.6) |
3 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 3.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/46) |
4 | = 10.00 | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/33.5) |
5 | = 10.00 | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/20.6) |
6 | = 6.00 | = Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/5))/33.5) |
7 | = 6.00 | = Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/5))/20.6) |
8 | = 6.00 | = Black | = 3.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/5))/46) |
9 | = 6.00 | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/5))/33.5) |
10 | = 6.00 | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/5))/20.6) |
Row Number | ||
1 | = 10.00 | DecDate+(7*DecInterval) |
2 | = 6.00 | JanDate+(2*JanInterval) |
Row Number | |||||
1 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 1.00 | ((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty5) |
2 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 2.00 | ((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty5) |
3 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 3.00 | ((N_Urea_Price/50)*NQty5) |
4 | = 10.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty5) |
5 | = 10.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty5) |
6 | = 6.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 1.00 | (((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty5)+(LaborCost/3)) |
7 | = 6.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 2.00 | (((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty5)+(LaborCost/3)) |
8 | = 6.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 3.00 | (((N_Urea_Price/50)*NQty5)+(LaborCost/3)) |
9 | = 6.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 1.00 | (((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty5)+(LaborCost/3)) |
10 | = 6.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 2.00 | (((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty5)+(LaborCost/3)) |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/33.5) |
2 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/20.6) |
3 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 3.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/46) |
4 | = 10.00 | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/33.5) |
5 | = 10.00 | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/20.6) |
6 | = 6.00 | = Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/5))/33.5) |
7 | = 6.00 | = Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/5))/20.6) |
8 | = 6.00 | = Black | = 3.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/5))/46) |
9 | = 6.00 | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/5))/33.5) |
10 | = 6.00 | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/5))/20.6) |
Row Number | ||
1 | = 10.00 | JanDate+JanInterval |
2 | = 6.00 | JanDate+(5*JanInterval) |
Row Number | |||||
1 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 1.00 | ((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty6) |
2 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 2.00 | ((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty6) |
3 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 3.00 | ((N_Urea_Price/50)*NQty6) |
4 | = 10.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty6) |
5 | = 10.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty6) |
6 | = 6.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 1.00 | (((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty6)+(LaborCost/3)) |
7 | = 6.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 2.00 | (((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty6)+(LaborCost/3)) |
8 | = 6.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 3.00 | (((N_Urea_Price/50)*NQty6)+(LaborCost/3)) |
9 | = 6.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 1.00 | (((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty6)+(LaborCost/3)) |
10 | = 6.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 2.00 | (((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty6)+(LaborCost/3)) |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/33.5) |
2 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/20.6) |
3 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 3.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/46) |
4 | = 10.00 | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/33.5) |
5 | = 10.00 | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/20.6) |
Row Number | ||
1 | = 10.00 | JanDate+(3*JanInterval) |
Row Number | |||||
1 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 1.00 | ((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty7) |
2 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 2.00 | ((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty7) |
3 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 3.00 | ((N_Urea_Price/50)*NQty7) |
4 | = 10.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty7) |
5 | = 10.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty7) |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/33.5) |
2 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/20.6) |
3 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 3.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/46) |
4 | = 10.00 | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/33.5) |
5 | = 10.00 | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/20.6) |
Row Number | ||
1 | = 10.00 | JanDate+(5*JanInterval) |
Row Number | |||||
1 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 1.00 | ((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty8) |
2 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 2.00 | ((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty8) |
3 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 3.00 | ((N_Urea_Price/50)*NQty8) |
4 | = 10.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty8) |
5 | = 10.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty8) |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/33.5) |
2 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/20.6) |
3 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 3.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/46) |
4 | = 10.00 | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/33.5) |
5 | = 10.00 | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/20.6) |
Row Number | ||
1 | = 10.00 | JanDate+(7*JanInterval) |
Row Number | |||||
1 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 1.00 | ((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty9) |
2 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 2.00 | ((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty9) |
3 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 3.00 | ((N_Urea_Price/50)+NQty9) |
4 | = 10.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty9) |
5 | = 10.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty9) |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/33.5) |
2 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/20.6) |
3 | = 10.00 | = Black | = 3.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/46) |
4 | = 10.00 | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/33.5) |
5 | = 10.00 | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((100*((N_Base_Qty-(N_Base_Qty/5))/9))/20.6) |
Row Number | ||
1 | = 10.00 | FebDate+FebInterval |
Row Number | |||||
1 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 1.00 | ((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty10) |
2 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 2.00 | ((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty10) |
3 | = 10.00 | = Yes | = Black | = 3.00 | ((N_Urea_Price/50)*NQty10) |
4 | = 10.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 1.00 | ((N_Nitrate_Price/50)*NQty10) |
5 | = 10.00 | = Yes | ~=Black | = 2.00 | ((N_Sulphate_Price/50)*NQty10) |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | = 10.00 | (NCost1+NCost2+NCost3+NCost4+NCost5+NCost6+NCost7+NCost8+NCost9+NCost10) |
2 | = Yes | = 6.00 | (NCost1+NCost2+NCost3+NCost4+NCost5+NCost6) |
Row Number | ||
1 | = No | Perfect |
2 | = Yes | Roleout |
Row Number | |
1 | The Fertilization schedule can not be computed, because the soil type is not suitable to compute Irrigation schedule. |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | ~=Black | 2 |
Row Number | |||||
1 | = Yes | ~=Black | = Yes | ? | Injection tank |
2 | = Yes | ~=Black | ~=Yes | = Manual back sprayer | Manual back sprayer |
3 | = Yes | ~=Black | ~=Yes | = Motor back sprayer | Motor back sprayer |
4 | = Yes | ~=Black | ~=Yes | = Motor sprayer | Motor sprayer |
5 | = Yes | ~=Black | ~=Yes | = Manual back sprayer | Manual back sprayer |
6 | = Yes | ~=Black | ~=Yes | = Motor back sprayer | Motor back sprayer |
7 | = Yes | ~=Black | ~=Yes | = Motor sprayer | Motor sprayer |
8 | = Yes | ~=Black | ~=Yes | = unknown | Manual back sprayer |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | ~=Black | Time of spraying either early in the morning or afternoon.#يكون الرش فى الصباح الباكر أو بعد العصر |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = Yes | ~=Black | = Chelate | Chelate |
2 | = Yes | ~=Black | = Suphate | Sulphate |
3 | = Yes | ~=Black | = Chelate | Chelate |
4 | = Yes | ~=Black | = Suphate | Sulphate |
5 | = Yes | ~=Black | = unknown | Sulphate |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = Yes | = Chelate | ~=Black | 100 gm Chelate/Fed. With the following ratio: 30 gm Zinc Chelate + 30 gm Manganese Chelate + 30 gm Iron Chelate + 200 Ltr water.#100 جرام من المخلبيات / فدان بنسب 30 جرام من الزنك المخلبى + 30 جرام من المنجنيز المخلبى + 40 جرام من الحديد المخلبى على 200 لتر ماء |
2 | = Yes | = Sulphate | ~=Black | 600 gm Sulphate/Fed. With the following ratio: 200 gm Zinc Sulphate + 200 gm Manganese Sulphate + 200 gm Iron Sulphate + 200 Ltr water.# 600 جرام من الكبريتات / فدان بنسب 200 جرام من كبريتات الزنك + 200 جرام من كبريتات المنجنيز المخلبى + 200 جرام من كبريتات الحديد على 200 لتر ماء |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | ~=Black | 27 |
Row Number | ||||||
1 | = Yes | = Yes | ~=Black | = Chelate | = Injection tank | (0.03*Zn_Chelate_Price+0.03*Mn_Chelate_Price+0.04*Fe_Chelate_Price) |
2 | = Yes | = Yes | ~=Black | = Sulphate | = Injection tank | (0.2*(Zn_Sulphate_Price+Mn_Sulphate_Price+Fe_Sulphate_Price)) |
3 | = Yes | = Yes | ~=Black | = Chelate | = Manual back sprayer | ((0.03*Zn_Chelate_Price+0.03*Mn_Chelate_Price+0.04*Fe_Chelate_Price)+0.5*(LaborCost+ManualBackSprayerPrice)) |
4 | = Yes | = Yes | ~=Black | = Sulphate | = Manual back sprayer | ((0.2*(Zn_Sulphate_Price+Mn_Sulphate_Price+Fe_Sulphate_Price))+0.5*(LaborCost+ManualBackSprayerPrice)) |
5 | = Yes | = Yes | ~=Black | = Chelate | = Motor back sprayer | ((0.03*Zn_Chelate_Price+0.03*Mn_Chelate_Price+0.04*Fe_Chelate_Price)+((1/3)*(LaborCost+FuelPrice+MotorBackSprayerPrice))) |
6 | = Yes | = Yes | ~=Black | = Sulphate | = Motor back sprayer | ((0.2*(Zn_Sulphate_Price+Mn_Sulphate_Price+Fe_Sulphate_Price))+((1/3)*(LaborCost+FuelPrice+MotorBackSprayerPrice))) |
7 | = Yes | = Yes | ~=Black | = Chelate | = Motor sprayer | ((0.03*Zn_Chelate_Price+0.03*Mn_Chelate_Price+0.04*Fe_Chelate_Price)+((0.25*FuelPrice)+LaborCost+MoterSprayerPrice)) |
8 | = Yes | = Yes | ~=Black | = Sulphate | = Motor sprayer | ((0.2*(Zn_Sulphate_Price+Mn_Sulphate_Price+Fe_Sulphate_Price))+((0.25*FuelPrice)+LaborCost+MoterSprayerPrice)) |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = Yes | = Chelate | ~=Black | 150 gm Chelate/Fed. With the following ratio: 45 gm Zinc Chelate + 45 gm Manganese Chelate + 60 gm Iron Chelate + 300 Ltr water.#150 جرام من المخلبيات / فدان بنسب 45 جرام من الزنك المخلبى + 45 جرام من المنجنيز المخلبى + 60 جرام من الحديد المخلبى على 300 لتر ماء |
2 | = Yes | = Sulphate | ~=Black | 900 gm Sulphate/Fed. With the following ratio: 300 gm Zinc Sulphate + 300 gm Manganese Sulphate + 300 gm Iron Sulphate + 300 Ltr water.#900 جرام من الكبريتات / فدان بنسب 300 جرام من كبريتات الزنك + 300 جرام من كبريتات المنجنيز المخلبى + 300 جرام من كبريتات الحديد على 300 لتر ماء |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | ~=Black | 47 |
Row Number | ||||||
1 | = Yes | ~=Black | = Yes | = Chelate | = Injection tank | (0.045*Zn_Chelate_Price+0.045*Mn_Chelate_Price+0.06*Fe_Chelate_Price) |
2 | = Yes | ~=Black | = Yes | = Sulphate | = Injection tank | (0.3*(Zn_Sulphate_Price+Mn_Sulphate_Price+Fe_Sulphate_Price)) |
3 | = Yes | ~=Black | = Yes | = Chelate | = Manual back sprayer | ((0.045*Zn_Chelate_Price+0.045*Mn_Chelate_Price+0.06*Fe_Chelate_Price)+0.5*(LaborCost+ManualBackSprayerPrice)) |
4 | = Yes | ~=Black | = Yes | = Sulphate | = Manual back sprayer | ((0.3*(Zn_Sulphate_Price+Mn_Sulphate_Price+Fe_Sulphate_Price))+0.5*(LaborCost+ManualBackSprayerPrice)) |
5 | = Yes | ~=Black | = Yes | = Chelate | = Motor back sprayer | ((0.045*Zn_Chelate_Price+0.045*Mn_Chelate_Price+0.06*Fe_Chelate_Price)+((1/3)*(LaborCost+FuelPrice+MotorBackSprayerPrice))) |
6 | = Yes | ~=Black | = Yes | = Sulphate | = Motor back sprayer | ((0.3*(Zn_Sulphate_Price+Mn_Sulphate_Price+Fe_Sulphate_Price))+((1/3)*(LaborCost+FuelPrice+MotorBackSprayerPrice))) |
7 | = Yes | ~=Black | = Yes | = Chelate | = Motor sprayer | ((0.045*Zn_Chelate_Price+0.045*Mn_Chelate_Price+0.06*Fe_Chelate_Price)+((0.25*FuelPrice)+LaborCost+MoterSprayerPrice)) |
8 | = Yes | ~=Black | = Yes | = Sulphate | = Motor sprayer | ((0.3*(Zn_Sulphate_Price+Mn_Sulphate_Price+Fe_Sulphate_Price))+((0.25*FuelPrice)+LaborCost+MoterSprayerPrice)) |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = Yes | ~=Black | = Yes | (ME_Cost1+ME_Cost2) |
Row Number | ||
1 | ~=Black | 2 |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | ~=Black | Time of spraying either early in the morning or afternoon.# يكون الرش فى الصباح الباكر أو بعد العصر |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | ~=Black | 200 gm Magnesium Sulphate + 200 Ltr water per Feddan.#200 جرام من كبريتات الماغنسيوم/ فدان على 200 لتر ماء |
Row Number | |||
1 | ~=Black | = Yes | 27 |
Row Number | |||||
1 | = Yes | ~=Black | = Injection tank | = Yes | (0.2*Mg_Sulphate_Price) |
2 | = Yes | ~=Black | = Manual back sprayer | = Yes | ((0.2*Mg_Sulphate_Price)+(0.5*(LaborCost+ManualBackSprayerPrice))) |
3 | = Yes | ~=Black | = Motor back sprayer | = Yes | ((0.2*Mg_Sulphate_Price)+((1/3)*(LaborCost+FuelPrice+MotorBackSprayerPrice))) |
4 | = Yes | ~=Black | = Motor sprayer | = Yes | ((0.2*Mn_Sulphate_Price)+((0.25*FuelPrice)+LaborCost+MoterSprayerPrice)) |
Row Number | ||
1 | ~=Black | 300 gm Magnesium Sulphate + 300 Ltr water per Feddan.#300 جرام من كبريتات الماغنسيوم/ فدان على 300 لتر ماء |
Row Number | |||
1 | ~=Black | = Yes | 47 |
Row Number | |||||
1 | = Yes | ~=Black | = Yes | = Injection tank | (0.3*Mg_Sulphate_Price) |
2 | = Yes | ~=Black | = Yes | = Manual back sprayer | ((0.3*Mg_Sulphate_Price)+(0.5*(LaborCost+ManualBackSprayerPrice))) |
3 | = Yes | ~=Black | = Yes | = Motor back sprayer | ((0.3*Mg_Sulphate_Price)+((1/3)*(LaborCost+FuelPrice+MotorBackSprayerPrice))) |
4 | = Yes | ~=Black | = Yes | = Motor sprayer | ((0.3*Mg_Sulphate_Price)+((0.25*FuelPrice)+LaborCost+MoterSprayerPrice)) |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = Yes | = Yes | ~=Black | (Mg_Cost1+Mg_Cost2) |
Row Number | |
1 | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | Perfect |
Row Number | |
1 | 0 |
Row Number | |||
1 | ~=Yes | = Fayoum | 15/11 to 30/11 |
2 | ~=Yes | = Middle Egypt | 1/11 to 15/11 |
3 | ~=Yes | = North Delta | 15/11 to 30/11 |
4 | ~=Yes | = South Delta | 15/11 to 30/11 |
5 | ~=Yes | = Upper Egypt | 1/11 to 15/11 |
6 | ~=Yes | = Rain Fed Area | When raining |
7 | ~=Yes | = East Delta | 15/11 to 30/11 |
8 | ~=Yes | = Middle Delta | 15/11 to 30/11 |
9 | ~=Yes | = West Delta | 15/11 to 30/11 |
Row Number | ||||
1 | ? | ? | = unknown | 15 |
2 | ~=Yes | = Fayoum | ? | 22 |
3 | ~=Yes | = Middle Egypt | ? | 8 |
4 | ~=Yes | = North Delta | ? | 22 |
5 | ~=Yes | = South Delta | ? | 22 |
6 | ~=Yes | = Upper Egypt | ? | 8 |
7 | ~=Yes | = Rain Fed Area | ? | 15 |
8 | ~=Yes | = East Delta | ? | 22 |
9 | ~=Yes | = Middle Delta | ? | 22 |
10 | ~=Yes | = West Delta | ? | 22 |
11 | = Yes | ? | = November | plantDateDay |
12 | = Yes | ? | = December | plantDateDay |
Row Number | |||||||
1 | = Calcarious | = Flood | = Yes | ~=major | = Yes | ? | Wet |
2 | = Black | = Flood | = Yes | ~=major | = Yes | ? | Wet |
3 | = Calcarious | = Flood | = Yes | ~=major | = No | = Yes | Wet |
4 | = Black | = Flood | = Yes | ~=major | = No | = Yes | Wet |
5 | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | Dry |
Row Number | |||||
1 | = No | ? | ? | = Yes | Direct planting tool |
2 | ? | ? | = Wet | ? | Broadcast |
3 | ? | = Yes | = Dry | ? | Drill |
4 | ? | ? | = Dry | ? | Broadcast |
Row Number | ||
1 | = North Delta | Bread |
2 | = South Delta | Bread |
3 | = Rain Fed Area | Bread |
4 | = Fayoum | Bread |
5 | = Middle Egypt | Bread |
Row Number | ||||||
1 | = Broadcast | ~=Durum | = Dry | = Black | ~=Yes | 60 |
2 | = Broadcast | = Durum | = Dry | = Black | ~=Yes | 75 |
3 | = Drill | ~=Durum | = Dry | = Black | ~=Yes | 50 |
4 | = Drill | = Durum | = Dry | = Black | ~=Yes | 60 |
5 | ? | ~=Durum | = Wet | = Black | ~=Yes | 75 |
6 | ? | = Durum | = Wet | = Black | ~=Yes | 90 |
7 | = Broadcast | ~=Durum | = Dry | ~=Black | = Yes | 70 |
8 | = Broadcast | = Durum | = Dry | ~=Black | = Yes | 85 |
9 | = Drill | ~=Durum | = Dry | ~=Black | = Yes | 60 |
10 | = Drill | = Durum | = Dry | ~=Black | = Yes | 70 |
11 | ? | ~=Durum | = Wet | ~=Black | = Yes | 85 |
12 | ? | = Durum | = Wet | ~=Black | = Yes | 100 |
13 | = Broadcast | ? | ? | = Black | = Yes | 80 |
14 | = Broadcast | ? | ? | ~=Black | ~=Yes | 70 |
15 | = Direct planting tool | ? | = Dry | = Black | ~=Yes | 70 |
16 | = Direct planting tool | ? | = Dry | ~=Black | = Yes | 80 |
17 | = Drill | ? | ? | ~=Black | ~=Yes | 60 |
18 | = Drill | ? | ? | = Black | = Yes | 70 |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Broadcast | = Wet | Planting wet, divide seeds quantity into two halves, broadcast the first half from east to west, then Broadcast the second half from north to south.#يتم الزراعة حراتى, تقسيم كميه التقاوى إلى جزئين و يبدر الجزء الأول من الشرق للغرب ثم يبدر الجزء الآخر من الشمال للجنوب و ذلك لكى يحدث توزيع منتظم للتقاوى |
2 | = Broadcast | = Dry | Planting dry, divide seeds quantity into two halves, broadcast the first half from east to west, then Broadcast the second half from north to south.#يتم الزراعة عفير، تقسيم كميه التقاوى إلى جزئين و يبدر الجزء الأول من الشرق للغرب ثم يبدر الجزء الآخر من الشمال للجنوب و ذلك لكى يحدث توزيع منتظم للتقاوى |
3 | = Drill | = Dry | Planting dry, planting depth should be 5 cm. #يتم الزراعة عفير، و يجب أن يكن عمق الزراعة 5 سم. |
4 | = Direct planting tool | = Dry | Planting dry, Using direct planting tool. This Equipment plows, levels, and sows seeds in one operation. #يتم الزراعة عفير، باستخدام آلة الحرث و الزراعة _الوحدة المجمعة_ هذه الآلة تحرث وتسوى وتزرع الحبوب فى عمليه واحدة |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Dry | dry |
2 | = Wet | wet |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | = Broadcast | (seed cost * Seeding rate)+(LaborCost) |
2 | = Yes | = Drill | (seed cost+Seeding rate)+(Drill cost) |
3 | = Yes | = Direct planting tool | (seed cost+Seeding rate)+(Direct planting cost) |
Row Number | ||
1 | = No | -1 |
Row Number | ||
1 | = No | Sumi 8 # سومى 8 |
Row Number | |||
1 | = No | ~=Powder | 1 cm3 (material) +10 m3 (water) /kg seed respectively with the recommended materials # 1سم3 + 10 سم3 / كجم حبوب بترتيب المواد المقترحة |
2 | = No | = Powder | 2 g (material) + 20 (water)cm3 / kg seeds respectively with the recommended materials # 2 جم + 20 سم3 / كجم حبوب بترتيب المواد المقترحة |
Row Number | ||
1 | = No | Mix the insecticide with seeds # إخلط المبيد مع الحبوب |
Row Number | ||
1 | = No | Manual # يدوى |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = Yes | = No | ~=Powder | Sumi 8 liquid cost*Seeding rate |
2 | = Yes | = No | = Powder | 2*Sumi 8 powder cost*Seeding rate |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | = No | (LaborCost/4)+SeedingRateCost |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = Broadcast | = Yes | ? | 0 |
2 | = Broadcast | ? | = Yes | 0 |
3 | = Broadcast | ? | ? | 0 |
Row Number | |||||
1 | = Broadcast | ? | = Yes | ? | Chisel plow |
2 | = Broadcast | ~=Wet | ? | = Yes | Rotary tiller |
3 | = Broadcast | ? | ? | ? | Tractor attached with woody bar |
Row Number | ||||||
1 | = Yes | = Broadcast | = Yes | ? | = Chisel plow | Chisel plow cost*1.25 |
2 | = Yes | = Broadcast | ? | = Yes | = Rotary tiller | Rotary tiller cost |
3 | = Yes | = Broadcast | ? | ? | = Tractor attached with woody bar | Tractor Cost*1.25 |
Row Number | |
1 | Perfect |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Sprinkler | = Black | No |
2 | = Sprinkler | = Calcarious | No |
3 | = Sprinkler | = Sandy | Yes |
4 | = Sprinkler | = Sandy/calc-mixed | Yes |
5 | = Sprinkler | = unknown | No |
6 | = Flood | ? | Yes |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | = East Delta | Delta Region |
2 | = Yes | = Fayoum | Middle Region |
3 | = Yes | = Middle Delta | Delta Region |
4 | = Yes | = Middle Egypt | Middle Region |
5 | = Yes | = North Delta | Delta Region |
6 | = Yes | = Rain Fed Area | unknown |
7 | = Yes | = South Delta | Delta Region |
8 | = Yes | = Upper Egypt | Upper Region |
9 | = Yes | = West Delta | Delta Region |
10 | = Yes | = unknown | unknown |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | = North Delta | 1470 |
2 | = Yes | = Upper Egypt | 1827 |
3 | = Yes | = South Delta | 1470.00 |
4 | = Yes | = Fayoum | 1701 |
5 | = Yes | = Middle Egypt | 1701 |
6 | = Yes | = East Delta | 1700 |
7 | = Yes | = West Delta | 1700 |
8 | = Yes | = Middle Delta | 1470 |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = major | 7.00 |
2 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = minor | 5.00 |
3 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = none | 3.00 |
4 | = Yes | ~=Yes | = unknown | 3.00 |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | = Nile water | 1.00 |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | ~=Sprinkler | ((0.2*SoilSal*WaterSal)/(SoilSal-WaterSal))*PrimQty |
2 | = Yes | = Sprinkler | 0.025*WaterSal*PrimQty |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = Yes | = Sprinkler | ? | 0.3333*PrimQty |
2 | = Yes | ~=Sprinkler | = Yes | 0.43*PrimQty |
3 | = Yes | ~=Sprinkler | = No | 0.67*PrimQty |
4 | = Yes | ~=Sprinkler | = Unknown | 0.67*PrimQty |
Row Number | ||||||
1 | = Yes | = South Delta | ? | ? | ? | -120 |
2 | = Yes | = North Delta | ? | ? | ? | -300 |
3 | = Yes | = East Delta | ? | ? | ? | -300 |
4 | = Yes | = West Delta | ? | ? | ? | -300 |
5 | = Yes | = Middle Delta | ? | ? | ? | -120 |
6 | = Yes | ~=East Delta | ~=North Delta | ~=South Delta | ~=West Delta | 0 |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = Yes | ? | = Bad | -0.1*PrimQty |
2 | = Yes | = High | = Not exist | -0.2*PrimQty |
3 | = Yes | = Medium | = Not exist | -0.1*PrimQty |
4 | = Yes | = Low | = Not exist | -0.05*PrimQty |
5 | = Yes | = unknown | = Not exist | -0.1*PrimQty |
6 | = Yes | ? | = Good | 0 |
7 | = Yes | ? | = unknown | 0 |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Yes | DrainAgeQty+EffQty+LeashQty+PrimQty+RainFallQty |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Flood | Perfect |
2 | ~=Flood | Roleout |
Row Number | |
1 | 400 |
Row Number | ||
1 | ~=Wet | 0 |
2 | = Wet | 10 |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | ~=Sprinkler | 10.00 |
Row Number | ||
1 | ~=Wet | 0 |
2 | = Wet | 10 |
Row Number | |
1 | TotWaterQty-FirstIrriQty |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Upper Egypt | ~=Calcarious | RestIrrQty/6 |
2 | = Middle Egypt | ~=Calcarious | RestIrrQty/5 |
3 | = North Delta | ~=Calcarious | RestIrrQty/4 |
4 | = South Delta | ~=Calcarious | RestIrrQty/4 |
5 | = Fayoum | ~=Calcarious | RestIrrQty/5 |
6 | ? | = Calcarious | RestIrrQty/6 |
7 | = East Delta | ~=Calcarious | RestIrrQty/5 |
8 | = Rain Fed Area | ~=Calcarious | RestIrrQty/5 |
9 | = West Delta | ~=Calcarious | RestIrrQty/5 |
10 | = Middle Delta | ~=Calcarious | RestIrrQty/4 |
Row Number | ||
1 | ~=Sprinkler | 21 |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | ~=Sprinkler | 10 |
Row Number | |
1 | SndIrriQty |
Row Number | |
1 | 50 |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | ~=Sprinkler | 10 |
Row Number | |
1 | SndIrriQty |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Upper Egypt | ~=Calcarious | 70 |
2 | = Fayoum | ~=Calcarious | 70 |
3 | = Middle Egypt | ~=Calcarious | 70 |
4 | = South Delta | ~=Calcarious | 85 |
5 | = North Delta | ~=Calcarious | 85 |
6 | ? | = Calcarious | 70 |
7 | = Rain Fed Area | ~=Calcarious | 70 |
8 | = East Delta | ~=Calcarious | 70 |
9 | = West Delta | ~=Calcarious | 70 |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | ~=Sprinkler | 10 |
Row Number | |
1 | SndIrriQty |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Upper Egypt | ~=Calcarious | 85 |
2 | = Fayoum | ~=Calcarious | 90 |
3 | = Middle Egypt | ~=Calcarious | 90 |
4 | = North Delta | ~=Calcarious | 110 |
5 | = South Delta | ~=Calcarious | 110 |
6 | ? | = Calcarious | 85 |
7 | = Rain Fed Area | ~=Calcarious | 90 |
8 | = East Delta | ~=Calcarious | 90 |
9 | = West Delta | ~=Calcarious | 90 |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | ~=Sprinkler | 10 |
Row Number | |||
1 | ~=North Delta | ~=South Delta | SndIrriQty |
2 | = South Delta | ? | SndIrriQty |
3 | = North Delta | ? | SndIrriQty |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Upper Egypt | ~=Calcarious | 100 |
2 | = Fayoum | ~=Calcarious | 110 |
3 | = Middle Egypt | ~=Calcarious | 110 |
4 | ? | = Calcarious | 110 |
5 | = Rain Fed Area | ~=Calcarious | 110 |
6 | = West Delta | ~=Calcarious | 110 |
7 | = East Delta | ~=Calcarious | 110 |
8 | = North Delta | ~=Calcarious | 110 |
Row Number | |||
1 | ~=Sprinkler | = Yes | 10 |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Upper Egypt | ~=Calcarious | RestIrrQty/6 |
2 | ? | = Calcarious | RestIrrQty/6 |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Upper Egypt | ~=Calcarious | 130 |
2 | ? | = Calcarious | 130 |
Row Number | |||
1 | ~=Sprinkler | = Yes | 10 |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Sprinkler | = Yes | Perfect |
2 | ~=Sprinkler | ? | Roleout |
Row Number | ||||
1 | = Sprinkler | = Yes | = Delta Region | (TotWaterQty-500)/31.7 |
2 | = Sprinkler | = Yes | = Middle Region | (TotWaterQty-500)/38.2 |
3 | = Sprinkler | = Yes | = Upper Region | (TotWaterQty-500)/41.3 |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Sprinkler | 125 |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Sprinkler | NoOfSpr*SpRate/SpIrrQtyNov |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Sprinkler | Each tow days.#كل يومين |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | = Sprinkler | 7*NovMotorTime |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Sprinkler | SpFactor*4.4/8 |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Sprinkler | NoOfSpr*SpRate/SpIrrQtyDec |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Sprinkler | 4 days.#كل 4 أيام |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | = Sprinkler | 7*DecMotorTime |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Sprinkler | SpFactor*4.4/8 |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Sprinkler | NoOfSpr*SpRate/SpIrrQtyJan |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Sprinkler | 4 days.#كل 4 أيام |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Sprinkler | = Yes | 7*JanMotorTime |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Sprinkler | SpFactor*5.4/7 |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Sprinkler | NoOfSpr*SpRate/SpIrrQtyFeb |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Sprinkler | 4 days.#كل 4 أيام |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | = Sprinkler | 7*FebMotorTime |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Sprinkler | SpFactor*8/10 |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Sprinkler | NoOfSpr*SpRate/SpIrrQtyMar |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Sprinkler | 3 days.#كل 3 أيام |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | = Sprinkler | 7*MarMotorTime |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Sprinkler | SpFactor*9.5/10 |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Sprinkler | NoOfSpr*SpRate/SpIrrQtyApr |
Row Number | ||
1 | = Sprinkler | 3 days.#كل 3 أيام |
Row Number | |||
1 | = Yes | = Sprinkler | 7*AprMotorTime |
Row Number | |
1 | 0 |
Row Number | |
1 | Do not irrigate during rain or during wind , and its better to irrigate at evening or at morning. # لا تجري عملية اثناء المطر او أثناء هبوب الرياح ويفضل ان يتم الري في الصباح الباكر او المساء |