Attribute Name | Type | Prompt | P.V |
AvailbleWater | RDYesNoVar | Do have water to irrigate your farm? | |
AmmonuimSulphateAvalable | RDYesNoVar | Is the Ammonuim Sulphate available? | |
ME_Methode | RDStringVar | ME_Methode | |
NCost7 | RDNumericalVar | NCost7 | |
ME_Cost1 | RDNumericalVar | ME_Cost1 | |
K_Date | RDNumericalVar | K_Date | |
Stone picker method | RDStringVar | Stone picker method | |
Tillage equipment | RDOneOfVar | | unknown,Disk plow ,Combination,Chisel plow |
Seeding covering cost | RDNumericalVar | What is the cost of covering the seeds (L.E./ Hour)? | |
IrrigtationType | RDOneOfVar | What is the Irrigation type? | unknown,Sprinkler,Flood |
WaterSal | RDNumericalVar | WaterSal | |
WaterSource | RDOneOfVar | What is the source of irrigation water? | Wells water,unknown,Nile water,Mixed water |
EffQty | RDNumericalVar | EffQty | |
RainFallQty | RDNumericalVar | RainFallQty | |
FifthIrrDate | RDStringVar | FifthIrrDate | |
FirstIrrDate | RDStringVar | FirstIrrDate | |
DecInterval | RDStringVar | DecInterval | |
Drill cost | RDNumericalVar | What is the cost of using a Drill (L.E./ hour)? | |
Drainage DateN | RDNumericalVar | Drainage DateN | |
OM_Exist | RDYesNoVar | OM_Exist | |
MotorSprayeAvalable | RDYesNoVar | Is the motor sprayer available? | |
ExistingWeeds | RDYesNoVar | Does your soil have existing weeds? | |
RainfedIrrDate | RDStringVar | RainfedIrrDate | |
ME_Name2 | RDStringVar | ME_Name2 | |
adivce | RDStringVar | adivce | |
PreviuosCropNew | RDOneOfVar | What is the previuos crop? | Vegetables,unknown,Sorghum maize,Legumes,Cotton,Corn |
NComerOut | RDOneOfVar | | Urea,unknown,Ammonuim Sulphate,Ammonuim Nitrate |
NCost8 | RDNumericalVar | NCost8 | |
ME_Cost2 | RDNumericalVar | ME_Cost2 | |
Remove Weed equipment | RDOneOfVar | | weeds collector,unknown,manual |
Subsoiler available | RDYesNoVar | Is the subsoiler available? | |
LaborCost | RDNumericalVar | What is the wage for laborer (L.E./ Day)? | |
DrainAgeQty | RDNumericalVar | DrainAgeQty | |
FirstIrriQty | RDNumericalVar | FirstIrriQty | |
SpFactor | RDNumericalVar | | |
Soil fine DateN | RDNumericalVar | Soil fine DateN | |
N_Sulphate_Price | RDNumericalVar | What is the cost of Ammonuim Sulphate package (50kgm)? | |
N_T_Cost | RDNumericalVar | N_T_Cost | |
ThreshMachCost | RDNumericalVar | What is the rent of Threshing machine (L.E./Fed.)? | |
MarnDate | RDNumericalVar | MarnDate | |
Mg_Methode | RDStringVar | Mg_Methode | |
NComerInOld | RDOneOfVar | What is the available Nitrogen source ? | Urea,unknown,Ammonuim Sulphate,Ammonuim Nitrate |
MEAvailble | RDOneOfVar | What is the type of available microelements? | unknown,Sulphate,Chelate |
NCost9 | RDNumericalVar | NCost9 | |
MoterSprayerPrice | RDNumericalVar | What is the cost of moter sprayer rent per day? | |
ManualBackSprayerPrice | RDNumericalVar | What is the cost of manual back sprayer rent per day? | |
Combine Avaliable | RDYesNoVar | Combine Avaliable | |
FinalBaseNQty | RDNumericalVar | FinalBaseNQty | |
ThirdIrrDate | RDStringVar | ThirdIrrDate | |
AprInterval | RDStringVar | AprInterval | |
Drainage method | RDStringVar | Drainage method | |
OM_Date | RDNumericalVar | OM_Date | |
OM_Price | RDNumericalVar | What is the price of cubic meter of Organic Manure? | |
N_Analysis | RDNumericalVar | What is the concentration of nitrogen in the soil before the planting in PPM? (PPM = Kg/Fed.) | |
ME_T_Cost | RDNumericalVar | ME_T_Cost | |
K_Base | RDNumericalVar | K_Base | |
Basin divide size | RDStringVar | Basin divide size | |
Weeds collector available | RDYesNoVar | Is the weeds collector available? | |
Subsoiler cost | RDNumericalVar | What is the cost of using the subsoiler (L.E./ hour)? | |
Loose smut control Cost | RDNumericalVar | What is the value of variable Loose smut control Cost? | |
BaseNQty | RDNumericalVar | BaseNQty | |
RestIrrQty | RDNumericalVar | RestIrrQty | |
Region | RDOneOfVar | In which region are you farming? | Middle Delta,West Delta,Upper Egypt,unknown,South Delta,Rain Fed Area,North Delta,Middle Egypt,Fayoum,East Delta |
ThirdIrriQty | RDNumericalVar | ThirdIrriQty | |
AprMotorTime | RDNumericalVar | AprMotorTime | |
DecMotorTime | RDNumericalVar | DecMotorTime | |
Age LL | RDNumericalVar | What is the value of variable Age LL? | |
Flood4thIrrnDate | RDNumericalVar | Flood4thIrrnDate | |
MotorBackSprayeAvalable | RDYesNoVar | Is the motor back sprayer available? | |
K_Methode | RDStringVar | K_Methode | |
PhComerOut | RDOneOfVar | | unknown,Super phosphate 37%,Super Phosphate 15% |
Mn_Sulphate_Price | RDNumericalVar | What is the price of Kgm Manganese sulphate ? | |
Mg_Date1 | RDNumericalVar | Mg_Date1 | |
MENoFert | RDNumericalVar | MENoFert | |
Tractor Mounted with Mower Avaliable | RDYesNoVar | Is the tractor mounted with mower available? | |
Field leveler available | RDYesNoVar | Is the field leveler available? | |
Remove weed dateN | RDNumericalVar | Remove weed dateN | |
Sowing method | RDOneOfVar | What is the value of variable sowing method? | unknown,Drill,Direct planting tool,Broadcast |
VerOrManure | RDYesNoVar | Is organic manure fermented? | |
SoilSal | RDNumericalVar | SoilSal | |
TotWaterQty | RDNumericalVar | TotWaterQty | |
FifithIrriQty | RDNumericalVar | FifithIrriQty | |
Cost | RDYesNoVar | Would you like calculate the cost of agriculture operations? | |
Drainage equipment | RDOneOfVar | | unknown,Subsoiler |
Flood7thIrrnDate | RDNumericalVar | Flood7thIrrnDate | |
JannDate | RDNumericalVar | JannDate | |
Plantation Date | RDNumericalVar | Plantation Date | |
UreaAvalable | RDYesNoVar | Is the Urea available? | |
AnalysisExist | RDYesNoVar | Did you analyze the soil? | |
Mg_Name | RDStringVar | Mg_Name | |
RainfedIrrQty | RDNumericalVar | RainfedIrrQty | |
Mg_Date2 | RDNumericalVar | Mg_Date2 | |
K_Analysis | RDNumericalVar | K_Analysis | |
Leveling by laser | RDYesNoVar | Did you make Leveling by laser in period (1-3 years) ago? | |
Tillage wet method | RDStringVar | Tillage wet method | |
Tillage wet equipment | RDOneOfVar | | unknown,Chisel plow |
Ditcher cost | RDNumericalVar | What is the cost of ditcher (L.E./ hour)? | |
WheatType | RDOneOfVar | What is variety market? | unknown,Durum,Bread |
OmQty | RDNumericalVar | OmQty | |
LeashQty | RDNumericalVar | LeashQty | |
DrainageSystemExisting | RDYesNoVar | Do you have Drainage system ? | |
TotWaterTmp | RDNumericalVar | TotWaterTmp | |
SpIrrQtyDec | RDNumericalVar | SpIrrQtyDec | |
NoOfSpr | RDNumericalVar | NoOfSpr | |
NovMotorTime | RDNumericalVar | NovMotorTime | |
Direct planting available | RDYesNoVar | Is the direct planting tool available? | |
Planting date | RDStringVar | Planting date | |
threshLL | RDNumericalVar | threshLL | |
Ph_Name | RDStringVar | Ph_Name | |
ME_Name | RDStringVar | ME_Name | |
PlowingDate | RDNumericalVar | How many days before planting have you plowed your land? | |
Ph_Cost | RDNumericalVar | Ph_Cost | |
Mg_T_Cost | RDNumericalVar | Mg_T_Cost | |
Stone picker equipment | RDOneOfVar | | unknown,Stonepicker |
Stonepicker cost | RDNumericalVar | What is the cost of using the stonepick (L.E./ hour)? | |
Chisel plow available | RDYesNoVar | Is the chisel plow available? | |
Loose Smut Control Tool | RDStringVar | What is the value of variable Loose Smut Control Tool? | |
PrimQty | RDNumericalVar | PrimQty | |
SndIrrCost | RDNumericalVar | SndIrrCost | |
THirdIrrCost | RDNumericalVar | THirdIrrCost | |
SpIrrQtyApr | RDNumericalVar | SpIrrQtyApr | |
SpIrrQtyFeb | RDNumericalVar | SpIrrQtyFeb | |
Direct planting cost | RDNumericalVar | What is the cost of using direct planting tool (L.E./ hour)? | |
OM_Qty | RDNumericalVar | OM_Qty | |
thrMethod | RDOneOfVar | | unknown,Threshing Machine |
SprinklerValid | RDYesNoVar | | |
ManualBackSprayeAvalable | RDYesNoVar | Is the manual back sprayer available? | |
Mg_Time | RDStringVar | Mg_Time | |
NQty10 | RDNumericalVar | NQty10 | |
NQty1 | RDNumericalVar | NQty1 | |
Mg_Cost1 | RDNumericalVar | Mg_Cost1 | |
Flood1stIrrnDate | RDNumericalVar | Flood1stIrrnDate | |
Fe_Sulphate_Price | RDNumericalVar | What is the price of Kgm Iron sulphate ? | |
Disk plow cost | RDNumericalVar | What is the cost of using disk plow (L.E./ hour)? | |
Treated seeds | RDYesNoVar | Do you use certified seeds or not? | |
ForthIrrCost | RDNumericalVar | ForthIrrCost | |
JanMotorTime | RDNumericalVar | JanMotorTime | |
MarMotorTime | RDNumericalVar | | |
SpIrrQtyNov | RDNumericalVar | SpIrrQtyNov | |
SpNovCost | RDNumericalVar | SpNovCost | |
Harvest Date UL | RDNumericalVar | Harvest Date UL | |
AprIntervalN | RDNumericalVar | AprIntervalN | |
AprnDate | RDNumericalVar | AprnDate | |
Mg_Name2 | RDStringVar | Mg_Name2 | |
ME_Time | RDStringVar | ME_Time | |
PhComerIn | RDOneOfVar | Please must be select one of Phosphorus fertilization sources to be can determined the cost, date, and quantity of Phosphorus fertilization. | unknown,Super phosphate 37%,Super Phosphate 15% |
NQty2 | RDNumericalVar | NQty2 | |
NOfFert | RDNumericalVar | NOfFert | |
NDate1 | RDNumericalVar | NDate1 | |
Mg_Cost2 | RDNumericalVar | Mg_Cost2 | |
DecDate | RDNumericalVar | What is the date of the first irrigation in December? | |
Stone picker operation cost | RDNumericalVar | Stone picker operation cost | |
Laser available | RDYesNoVar | Is the laser available? | |
Remove weed method | RDStringVar | Remove weed method | |
Tillage method | RDStringVar | Tillage method | |
Seed covering DateN | RDNumericalVar | Seed covering DateN | |
Sumi 8 liquid cost | RDNumericalVar | What is the cost of 1 cm3 of liqued sumi 8 (LE) ? | |
Loose Smut Control Material | RDStringVar | Loose Smut Control Material | |
WeedsLevelingByLaser | RDYesNoVar | Did you make Leveling by lazer in period (1-3 years) ago ? | |
FebMotorTime | RDNumericalVar | FebMotorTime | |
SpDecCost | RDNumericalVar | SpDecCost | |
SpFebCost | RDNumericalVar | SpFebCost | |
Soil fine equipment | RDOneOfVar | | unknown,Rotary tiller,Disk haorrow |
Ph37_Price | RDNumericalVar | What is the cost of Super phosphate 37% package (50kgm)? | |
ThreshingCost | RDNumericalVar | What is cost of Threshing? | |
AprnDuration | RDNumericalVar | AprnDuration | |
DecIntervalN | RDNumericalVar | DecIntervalN | |
DecnDuration | RDNumericalVar | DecnDuration | |
Ph_Date | RDNumericalVar | Ph_Date | |
NQty3 | RDNumericalVar | NQty3 | |
NDate2 | RDNumericalVar | NDate2 | |
Fe_Chelate_Price | RDNumericalVar | What is the price of Kgm Iron Chelate ? | |
FebDate | RDNumericalVar | FebDate | |
Redger cost | RDNumericalVar | What is the cost of using a ridger (L.E./ hour)? | |
Basin divide tool | RDOneOfVar | | unknown,Ridger,Laborer ,Ditcher |
Field leveler cost | RDNumericalVar | What is the cost of using a field leveler (L.E./ hour)? | |
Disk haorrow available | RDYesNoVar | Is the disk haorrow available? | |
Tillage wet dateN | RDNumericalVar | Tillage wet dateN | |
Drainage cost | RDNumericalVar | Drainage cost | |
Leveling status | RDYesNoVar | Is your land nonleveled? | |
PlantingType | RDOneOfVar | | unknown,Wet,Dry |
SndIrrDate | RDStringVar | SndIrrDate | |
SixIrrCost | RDNumericalVar | SixIrrCost | |
SpIrrQtyJan | RDNumericalVar | SpIrrQtyJan | |
FebInterval | RDStringVar | FebInterval | |
Yield LL | RDNumericalVar | Yield LL | |
plantDateDay | RDNumericalVar | What is the day in the month.....? | |
N_Type | RDNumericalVar | N_Type | |
Flood6thIrrnDate | RDNumericalVar | Flood6thIrrnDate | |
N_Methode | RDStringVar | N_Methode | |
PreviuosCrop | RDOneOfVar | What is the previuos crop? | Vegetables,unknown,Sorghum maize,Rice,Legumes,Cotton,Corn |
NComerInNew | RDOneOfVar | What is the available Nitrogen source ? | unknown,Ammonuim Sulphate,Ammonuim Nitrate |
NQty4 | RDNumericalVar | NQty4 | |
NDate3 | RDNumericalVar | NDate3 | |
Mn_Chelate_Price | RDNumericalVar | What is the price of Kgm Manganese Chelate? | |
Mg_Sulphate_Price | RDNumericalVar | What is the price of Kgm Magnesium sulphate ? | |
JanDate | RDNumericalVar | JanDate | |
Stone picker dateN | RDNumericalVar | Stone picker dateN | |
Basin DateN | RDNumericalVar | Basin DateN | |
Leveling DateN | RDNumericalVar | Leveling DateN | |
Remove weed cost | RDNumericalVar | Remove weed cost | |
Weed Exist | RDYesNoVar | Are there weeds or any remaining from your pervious crop in your soil? | |
Tillage DateN | RDNumericalVar | Tillage DateN | |
Variety | RDOneOfVar | What is the variety? | unknown,Sohag 3,Sohag 2,Sids 7,Sids 6,Sids 1,Sakha 93,Sakha 8,Sakha 69,Sakha 61,Sahel 1,No variety,Giza168,Giza 165,Giza 164,Gemmiza 9,Gemmiza 7,Gemmiza 5,Beni Sweif 3,Beni Sweif 1 |
previuos crop | RDOneOfVar | What is the previuos crop? | Vegetables,unknown,Sorghum maize,Rice,Legumes,Cutton,Corn |
SndIrriQty | RDNumericalVar | SndIrriQty | |
ForthIrrDate | RDStringVar | ForthIrrDate | |
GenAdvice | RDStringVar | GenAdvice | |
SpAprCost | RDNumericalVar | SpAprCost | |
SpJanCost | RDNumericalVar | SpJanCost | |
Yield_QTY | RDNumericalVar | Yield_QTY | |
Rotary tiller available | RDYesNoVar | Is the rotary tiller available? | |
Planting DateN | RDNumericalVar | What is the value of variable Planting Date? | |
plantDateMon | RDOneOfVar | What is the month of plantation date? | unknown,November,December |
NovIntervalN | RDNumericalVar | NovIntervalN | |
AmmonuimNitrateAvalable | RDYesNoVar | Is the Ammonuim Nitrate available ? | |
N_Name | RDStringVar | N_Name | |
METoolOut | RDOneOfVar | Please, Select a tool from the following tools. | unknown,Motor sprayer,Motor back sprayer,Manual back sprayer,Injection tank |
Zn_Chelate_Price | RDNumericalVar | What is the price of Kgm Zinc Chelate? | |
NQty5 | RDNumericalVar | NQty5 | |
NDate4 | RDNumericalVar | NDate4 | |
MotorBackSprayerPrice | RDNumericalVar | What is the cost of moter back sprayer rent per day? | |
MgNoFert | RDNumericalVar | MgNoFert | |
K_price | RDNumericalVar | What is the cost of Potassium Sulphate package (50kgm)? | |
FuelPrice | RDNumericalVar | What is the price of liter of used fuel? | |
Ditcher available | RDYesNoVar | Is the ditcher available? | |
Leveling method | RDStringVar | Leveling method | |
InjectTank | RDYesNoVar | Do you have Injection tank? | |
ForthIrriQty | RDNumericalVar | ForthIrriQty | |
JanInterval | RDStringVar | JanInterval | |
Age UL | RDNumericalVar | What is the value of variable Age UL? | |
Rotary tiller cost | RDNumericalVar | What is the cost of using the rotary tiller (L.E./ hour)? | |
NCost1 | RDNumericalVar | NCost1 | |
TotHarvestCost | RDNumericalVar | What is the Total Harvest Cost? | |
SuperPhosphate15Avalable | RDYesNoVar | Is the Super Phosphate 15% available? | |
Ph_Base | RDNumericalVar | Ph_Base | |
NQty6 | RDNumericalVar | NQty6 | |
NDate5 | RDNumericalVar | NDate5 | |
NCost2 | RDNumericalVar | NCost2 | |
Flood3rdIrrnDate | RDNumericalVar | Flood3rdIrrnDate | |
Laser leveling | RDYesNoVar | Laser leveling | |
Weeds collector cost | RDNumericalVar | What is the cost of using the weeds collector (L.E./ hour)? | |
Adding Organic Manure | RDYesNoVar | Are you going to add organic manure? | |
SevenIrrCost | RDNumericalVar | SevenIrrCost | |
SpRate | RDNumericalVar | SpRate | |
SixIrrDate | RDStringVar | SixIrrDate | |
Disk plow available | RDYesNoVar | Is the disk plow available? | |
Ph15_Price | RDNumericalVar | What is the cost of Super Phosphate 15%package (50kgm)? | |
combineCost | RDNumericalVar | What is the rent of combine machine (L.E./Fed.)? | |
FebIntervalN | RDNumericalVar | FebIntervalN | |
FebnDate | RDNumericalVar | FebnDate | |
JanIntervalN | RDNumericalVar | JanIntervalN | |
MarIntervalN | RDNumericalVar | MarIntervalN | |
SulphateAvaliable | RDYesNoVar | Is the Chelate microelements available ? | |
Ph_Methode | RDStringVar | Ph_Methode | |
N_Time | RDStringVar | N_Time | |
NQty7 | RDNumericalVar | NQty7 | |
NDate6 | RDNumericalVar | NDate6 | |
NCost3 | RDNumericalVar | NCost3 | |
Basin divide cost | RDNumericalVar | Basin divide cost | |
Laser cost | RDNumericalVar | What is the cost of using laser leveling (L.E./ hour)? | |
Leveling equipment | RDOneOfVar | | unknown,Laser,Field leveler |
Tillage wet cost | RDNumericalVar | Tillage wet cost | |
Stonepicker available | RDYesNoVar | Is the stonepicker available? | |
Seeding covering tool | RDOneOfVar | | unknown,Tractor attached with woody bar,Rotary tiller,Chisel plow |
SeedingRateCost | RDNumericalVar | | |
Loose smut material select | RDOneOfVar | Is sumi 8 material available for you as a powder or a liquid ? | unknown,Powder,Liquid |
Loose smart dateN | RDNumericalVar | Loose smart dateN | |
Flexible planting date | RDYesNoVar | Is there sufficient time (1-2 weeks) before the planting date for land preparation? | |
SixIrriQty | RDNumericalVar | SixIrriQty | |
NCost10 | RDNumericalVar | NCost10 | |
N_Base_Qty | RDNumericalVar | N_Base_Qty | |
N_Urea_Price | RDNumericalVar | What is the cost of Urea package (50kgm)? | |
threshUL | RDNumericalVar | threshUL | |
FebnDuration | RDNumericalVar | FebnDuration | |
NovnDate | RDNumericalVar | NovnDate | |
InjectTankExist | RDYesNoVar | Is the injection tank available? | |
K_Name | RDStringVar | K_Name | |
MEAvailableIn | RDOneOfVar | Please must be select one of Micro elements to be can determined the cost, date, and quantity of Micro elements fertilization. | unknown,Suphate,Chelate |
Ph_Analysis | RDNumericalVar | What is the concentration of phosphorus in the soil before the planting in PPM? (PPM = Kg/Fed.) | |
NQty8 | RDNumericalVar | NQty8 | |
NDate7 | RDNumericalVar | NDate7 | |
NCost4 | RDNumericalVar | NCost4 | |
ME_Date1 | RDNumericalVar | ME_Date1 | |
K_Cost | RDNumericalVar | K_Cost | |
Harvest method | RDOneOfVar | What harvest method is going to be used? | unknown,Harvest using combine,Harvest by tractor mounted with mower,Harvest by hand |
DrainageSystem | RDOneOfVar | What is the status of your drainage system? | unknown,Not exist,Good,Bad |
LaborCost4 | RDNumericalVar | | |
Loose Smut Control Qty | RDStringVar | Loose Smut Control Qty | |
DrainageProblem | RDYesNoVar | is there a drainage problem in the field? | |
FifthIrrCost | RDNumericalVar | FifthIrrCost | |
FirstIrrCost | RDNumericalVar | FirstIrrCost | |
MarInterval | RDStringVar | MarInterval | |
NovInterval | RDStringVar | NovInterval | |
PlantingDate | RDYesNoVar | Do you know the plantation date? | |
Soil Clouds | RDYesNoVar | Does your soil contain clods? | |
N_Nitrate_Price | RDNumericalVar | What is the cost of Ammonuim Nitrate package (50kgm)? | |
TotThreshingCost | RDNumericalVar | What is cost of Threshing? | |
SuperPhosphate37Avalable | RDYesNoVar | Is the Super Phosphate 37% available? | |
RainfedIrrCost | RDNumericalVar | RainfedIrrCost | |
Ph_Qty | RDNumericalVar | Ph_Qty | |
NQty9 | RDNumericalVar | NQty9 | |
NDate8 | RDNumericalVar | NDate8 | |
NCost5 | RDNumericalVar | NCost5 | |
ME_Date2 | RDNumericalVar | ME_Date2 | |
K_Qty | RDNumericalVar | K_Qty | |
Flood2ndIrrnDate | RDNumericalVar | Flood2ndIrrnDate | |
Ridger available | RDYesNoVar | Is the ridger available? | |
Tractor Cost | RDNumericalVar | What is the cost of using the tractor attached with woody bar (L.E./ Hour)? | |
Chisel plow cost | RDNumericalVar | What is the cost of using chisel plow (L.E./ hour)? | |
Planting method | RDStringVar | Planting method | |
Weedy soil | RDYesNoVar | Is your Soil Weedy? | |
NiPureQty | RDNumericalVar | NiPureQty | |
SoilAnalysis | RDYesNoVar | Did you make soil salinity analysis ? | |
WaterTableLevel | RDOneOfVar | | unknown,Medium,Low,High |
SevenIrrDate | RDStringVar | SevenIrrDate | |
Drill available | RDYesNoVar | Is the drill available? | |
HarvestCost | RDNumericalVar | What is the cost of Harvest? | |
DecnDate | RDNumericalVar | DecnDate | |
Flood5thIrrnDate | RDNumericalVar | Flood5thIrrnDate | |
ChelatAvaliable | RDYesNoVar | Is the Chelate microelements available ? | |
OM_Name | RDStringVar | OM_Name | |
OM_Methode | RDStringVar | OM_Methode | |
METoolIn | RDOneOfVar | Please must be select one of Micro elements and Magnesium application tools to be can determined the cost, date, and quantity of Micro elements and Magnesium fertilization. | unknown,Motor sprayer,Motor back sprayer,Manual back sprayer |
Zn_Sulphate_Price | RDNumericalVar | What is the price of Kgm Zinc Sulphate? | |
NDate9 | RDNumericalVar | NDate9 | |
NDate10 | RDNumericalVar | NDate10 | |
NCost6 | RDNumericalVar | NCost6 | |
Leveling cost | RDNumericalVar | Leveling cost | |
Disk haorrow cost | RDNumericalVar | What is the cost of using disk haorrow (L.E./ hour)? | |
Tillage cost | RDNumericalVar | Tillage cost | |
Used subsoiler | RDYesNoVar | Did you make subsoiler in period (1-3 years) ago? | |
Seeding rate | RDNumericalVar | Seeding rate | |
SoilType | RDOneOfVar | | unknown,Sandy/calc-mixed,Sandy,Calcarious,Black |
SalinityProblem | RDOneOfVar | | unknown,none,minor,major |
SevenIrriQty | RDNumericalVar | SevenIrriQty | |
SpIrrQtyMar | RDNumericalVar | SpIrrQtyMar | |
SpMarCost | RDNumericalVar | SpMarCost | |
Soil Stone | RDYesNoVar | Does your soil contain stones? | |
Soil fine cost | RDNumericalVar | Soil fine cost | |
OM_Cost | RDNumericalVar | OM_Cost | |
PhType | RDNumericalVar | PhType | |
Harvest Date LL | RDNumericalVar | Harvest Date LL | |
RegionClass | RDOneOfVar | | Upper Region,unknown,Middle Region,Delta Region |